• @psycho_driver
    1 year ago

    Give me a small 4dr sedan with crank windows, manual mirrors, pleather seats, tape player, shitty heat/ac, room for just 4 ppl (barely) and electric for $12-15k. They will fly off the shelves.

    I don’t think they will though. At least in the US. I currently drive the gas version of this vehicle, a 5 speed Ford Fiesta, and the majority of other drivers on the road seem offended that I’m there with them. I set my cruise control ~7mph over the speed limit everywhere I go (almost all highway driving) and I’ll have people speed up when I switch lanes to go around them because they had been driving slower than me for miles previously. I’m used to seeing nothing but bro-dozer oversized grills out of my rear hatch window. Police could just use me as a mobile speed trap for all the people who feel the need to zoom around me despite always going just below the ‘probably won’t get pulled over’ speed. When I’m turning left at a light and I need to end up in the right-most lane I have to switch quickly to keep the person behind me from flooring it and trying to go around me in the slow lane.

    Meanwhile I have low cost to replace tires, low insurance rates and get 40mpg regardless of how or where I drive it.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I definitely understand. In North Carolina we have Carolina lifted trucks. It’s were the back of the truck is lower than the front. Illegal? Yes. Enforced? No. A real child plowing machine (never thought I would have to write that statement before).

      There is a sect of the population that needs to grow the fuck up and stop worrying about their dick size or how tall they are. We need to have a more realistic view when buying things. Do I need a $100k truck with mud tires and a 12" lift just to pick up the kids from daycare and get groceries? No

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      It’s amazing how much a difference there was in road manners when I was driving a mustang vs. a rav4. It was quite literally stress free, suddenly there were no jackasses on the road.

      • @psycho_driver
        1 year ago

        Oh, same. We have multiple vehicles and I only experience this when driving the Fiesta. It’s almost like people are mad that you have chosen a vehicle based on logic and reasoning over id.

        Also, in my town at least, this phenomenon seems to have gotten perceptibly worse over the past 6-8 years. People are just angrier all the time in general I think.

        • RedFox
          -51 year ago

          I am the guy that passed you doing 75 on our beltway that’s 55 (singing I just can’t drive… 55!) 😉

          I mentioned this because lately, I’ve almost been mowed over a few times, and I usually drive right, until I can’t. I don’t change lanes rapidly or in multiples, no texting, but I’ve been passed by people changing multiple lanes and shoulders, always on phones, etc.

          People are angrier

          Dude, I don’t disagree. Maybe they feel too busy, hate RTO, don’t know.

          It’s very aggressive lately.

          • @Got_Bent
            11 year ago

            I compare my daily commute to the chariot races in Ben Hur. It absolutely wasn’t this way pre COVID.

    • shuzuko
      11 year ago

      I dunno, I feel like it’s mostly just people being people. We have a truck and a sporty little hatchback and people are just as apt to drive like assholes around both cars, despite my husband and I both also being the “drive just enough above the speed limit that we probably won’t get a ticket” drivers, and otherwise adhering almost exactly to road laws the way only mildly obsessive neurodivergents can. I think people either just don’t know road laws or don’t care about them and get pissed when other people do and “impede” their oh-so-important trip.