so anyways my ethics classes are going great im having a fun great awesome cool fun great poggers time

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    my helping you

    okay, this is a personal thing, but i need the source/citation for the 3rd quote. that grammar rule has beeg bugging me for like a month, i need to know where and when this is from, and who wrote this

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 months ago

      It reads as grammatically correct to me. As for the citation, I’ll quote what I already wrote in a comment elsewhere:

      These are all from the book Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong (Eighth Edition). It was written by Louis P. Pojman and James Fieser. Cengage is the company selling the textbook.

      That final excerpt is from page 89 under the subheader “The Argument from Counterintuitive Consequences.”

      Anna’s Archive has the pdf if you’re interested in taking a look, but I don’t think I can link to that directly.