Cringe take to glorify any violence for having an opinion even if its offensive just as yours could be equally offensive to them. If you say your feelings aren’t hurt then you actually think violence is a good cause lol
everyone is gansta until someone pulls the paradox of tolerance by karl popper.
I don’t like philosophers in general but I think karl popper is specially full of shit, but I agree with your sentiment, I mean, who can in their right mind be against a “fuck nazis” comment?
All the American 1st amendment does is protect you from retaliation from the government if you bad mouth them. You start with that fascist shit and someone decides to introduce you to consequences, well have fun.
The first amendment means that you can say whatever you want (with a few exceptions) and the government can not censor you. It means that you can call the president an ass clown or say that MTG looks like an inbred troglodyte and you won’t end up fined or in jail. It does NOT mean that you are free from the sociatial consequences of your actions. It does NOT mean that Twitter/Facebook/Insta/Reddit/Etc… have to let you say what you want. It does NOT mean you can’t get kicked out of a resteraunt for wearing a swastika. It does NOT mean you won’t get jacked in the face for being a nazi (though it’s still assault and you can sue on those grounds, but you wouldn’t be able to sue them for infringing on your 1st amendment right).
He is being very polite in telling you that you do not have a solid grasp of the constitution or any of its amendments, let alone the first. You a big fan of the establishment clause, too? Just curious.
“other people don’t deserve the same rights as me” is not a fucking political opinion you cretin.
Those who advocate violence and oppression deserve violence and oppression. Don’t want violence brought on you? Don’t bring it on others.
And just because they’re polite about it doesn’t change any of that. So fuck this “gosh golly gee I just think gays and Jews should be hanged why are you hitting me 🥺” act that isn’t fooling anyone.
Apologies if I misread your post, that all wasn’t necessarily directed at you.
I mean, it’s not like I’m taxing my imagination too much, since it’s true. No one is under any legal obligation whatsoever to give a shit what nazis are offended by.
I’m glad that they were defeated in the Second World War, and I believe that under no circumstances should they be welcome here or anywhere.
Having done what is right, I will have no regrets. Perhaps he will have some. I wish even more upon him. His opinion is “I’m going to use the force of law to kill you as soon as I can” and if he gets punched for that repugnant idea, so be it.
Cringe take to glorify any violence for having an opinion even if its offensive just as yours could be equally offensive to them. If you say your feelings aren’t hurt then you actually think violence is a good cause lol
If they think that someone saying people of all races or sexual orientations are equal is offensive they don’t deserve to be part of our society.
We have amendments for a reason
Paradox of tolerance, fuck nazis
everyone is gansta until someone pulls the paradox of tolerance by karl popper.
I don’t like philosophers in general but I think karl popper is specially full of shit, but I agree with your sentiment, I mean, who can in their right mind be against a “fuck nazis” comment?
1st amendment
All the American 1st amendment does is protect you from retaliation from the government if you bad mouth them. You start with that fascist shit and someone decides to introduce you to consequences, well have fun.
The first amendment means that you can say whatever you want (with a few exceptions) and the government can not censor you. It means that you can call the president an ass clown or say that MTG looks like an inbred troglodyte and you won’t end up fined or in jail. It does NOT mean that you are free from the sociatial consequences of your actions. It does NOT mean that Twitter/Facebook/Insta/Reddit/Etc… have to let you say what you want. It does NOT mean you can’t get kicked out of a resteraunt for wearing a swastika. It does NOT mean you won’t get jacked in the face for being a nazi (though it’s still assault and you can sue on those grounds, but you wouldn’t be able to sue them for infringing on your 1st amendment right).
He is being very polite in telling you that you do not have a solid grasp of the constitution or any of its amendments, let alone the first. You a big fan of the establishment clause, too? Just curious.
“other people don’t deserve the same rights as me” is not a fucking political opinion you cretin.
Those who advocate violence and oppression deserve violence and oppression. Don’t want violence brought on you? Don’t bring it on others.
And just because they’re polite about it doesn’t change any of that. So fuck this “gosh golly gee I just think gays and Jews should be hanged why are you hitting me 🥺” act that isn’t fooling anyone.
Apologies if I misread your post, that all wasn’t necessarily directed at you.
We have amendments my guy
This is a nonsensical way to say what I assume you are trying to say. You are pasting this exact wording all over in here. I’m embarrassed for you.
Genocide is the central defining feature of nazism. Why should anyone care about the opinions of nazis or what they find offensive?
We have amendments for a reason
No amendment requires anyone to give a shit what nazis’ opinions are, or what offends them.
and you have the right to think that :D
I mean, it’s not like I’m taxing my imagination too much, since it’s true. No one is under any legal obligation whatsoever to give a shit what nazis are offended by.
I’m glad that they were defeated in the Second World War, and I believe that under no circumstances should they be welcome here or anywhere.
Violence is good, especially when punching nazis. The ideology is inherently violent. Punching a nazi is always self-defense.
We have amendments for a reason
I like to amend my knuckles to a Nazi’s jaw.
idc what you think. he wont go to jail and you will for assault, thats how the system works
Having done what is right, I will have no regrets. Perhaps he will have some. I wish even more upon him. His opinion is “I’m going to use the force of law to kill you as soon as I can” and if he gets punched for that repugnant idea, so be it.
What do you suppose that guy’s opinion is that so angered these people?
Agreed. Knuckle-dragger response. Have everybody put together an “It’s OK to punch a ____” list, compile it, and let’s have a look. Won’t be pretty.
We have amendments for a reason