That bumper is eye level with me. He could have probably decapitated me if he reversed with enough determination.

It’s hard out there for small car people when everyone else is in an arms race to be as big as possible.

  • @mojofrododojo
    11 year ago

    No, this is overcompensation no matter the drivetrain and weight limit. Open your eyes, no one NEEDS a lift package like that. It’s bullshit. Especially when you see what real world offroad vehicles look like - hiluxes and shit that won’t bog down - not this goofy ass bigfoot wannabe.

    Thanks for the ‘clarification’ that just excuses their idiocy.

    • @GamingChairModel
      11 year ago

      The meaning of words is consensus-based. If you want to make the point you’re making, you probably should avoid making up your own definition of “light truck.”

      Also, I don’t think this is a lift package. I think this is literally the factory specs.

      • @mojofrododojo
        1 year ago

        keep telling yourself that monstrosity is a light truck - the only way it could be considered light is against the even larger idiot boxes with even larger lift packages. meanwhile, light trucks: kei’s, s10s, hiluxes - not shit with a 6’ hood. fucking idiotic designs unsafe for anyone but the idiot driver.

        and yeah, it’s a lift package, jesus h look at the passenger window, it’s ABOVE the drive through lip.

        god why is there always some asshole waiting in the wings to say NUH UH HE’S NOT COMPENSATING FOR ANYTHING