Give this woman a medal

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    That makes no sense. They targeted a liberal woman, why cherry pick her liberal status over her female status for their motivation?

    Besides, neither makes sense. They went after one of the staunchest liberals in the House by claiming she wasn’t liberal enough. That was false and therefore absurd, but there’s no evidence they hate liberals.

    Far more likely they’re just unfathomably stupid.

    • @Son_of_dad
      107 months ago

      Cause these people protesting her aren’t liberals. They’re hard right Islamists who oppose Israel. Just because they are on the side you agree with, doesn’t mean they’re good people.

      • @[email protected]
        -27 months ago

        You mean they don’t support the Zionist project to drive Palestinians off of their land and claim it for themselves as Israel has done since before the Naqba in 1948? And they want a supposedly progressive politician to call the genocide what it is? Wow, some nutjobs!

        • @Son_of_dad
          07 months ago

          The moment you say “Zionist” most people roll their eyes and know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s like when you refer to a black person as a “thug”, we know where your mind is at. May as well go poke eye holes on a white sheet

          • @[email protected]
            -17 months ago

            They know I’m talking about the movement that got early inspiration from the Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist Theodor Herzl in 1896 when he called for the establishment of a Jewish state in either Argentina or Palestine to escape anti-semitic persecution throughout Europe? The movement championed by American Protestant lay worker and businessman William Blackstone in 1891 in the petition he circulated, marking the beginning of the alliance of American Christianity with Zionism? Blackstone, who was motivated by the belief that the restoration of a Jewish state in Israel would signal that the rapture was imminent, and whose petition received the most pushback from American Jews?

            They know I’m talking about the movement that was described by Zachary Lockman?:

            Zionism shared the propensity of all nationalisms to ignore the rights, needs, and aspirations of those excluded from the national “family.” But it also partook of an available contemporary European discourse that delineated a certain set of perceptions of, attitudes toward, and relations with the African and Asian lands and peoples subject to, or now falling under, the economic and political domination of Europeans. That broader colonial discourse also drew on, and overlapped with, older European images and representations of “the Orient.”[6] With appropriate modifications, these systems of representation could be made to fit the specific situation of the Jews and of Zionism and could be applied to Palestine, just as they were at that same moment being applied elsewhere by other projects of European colonization and settlement that altogether lacked Zionism’s origin as a response to a very real (and worsening) oppression in Europe itself.