• @[email protected]
    -24 months ago

    Nah, it’s just genuinely bad, and star trek in name only. I didn’t watch star trek for the action, I watched it for stories , thoughtfulness, morals, ethics, that sort of thing.

    Nu trek is just mostly pew pew, cringe stories, and it’s made by people who literally said they don’t know trek, have nt watched trek, don’t like trek, but love using it as their political platform.

    Nu trek being too progressive never was the point.

    Picard managed to ruin TNG for me, thank you for that. I was amongst the biggest fans , thanks to nu trek, I’m done with it.

    • Zagorath
      84 months ago

      Even if you don’t like Picard and Discovery, there’s still Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks.

      • @[email protected]
        -44 months ago

        I’ve seen a little bit of lower decks and threw up in my mouth. Turned it off, not wasting my time…

        New worlds? never gave it a chance and never will. I gave discovery a season long chance, wasted hours on cringy crap. I gave Picard a three season chance, it ruined star Trek for me and I wasted dozens of hours on that crap. I gave those godawful movies a chance, all because everyone kept saying how great that crap was, how great Pixard was, how great discovery was, just give it a chance! Just watch it and see! Yeah, I’m done.