I’ve just watched the video. I find it pretty outrageous. The word about it should spread.

  • bruhduh
    1 year ago

    Preach brother, always has been, as they trying to push “you won’t own anything and be happy” we thought it was a joke, but surprise, these corporations literary want to build their cities, own all the property and have wage/rent slavery and neofeudalism

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Almost everyone I have heard say that is quote also a right wing boomer and corporate apologist that also harps on about “15 minute cities bad” etc yet voting for exactly the people that are enabling most of what they complain about, except for if any of those things are actually good but they are too blind to see it. I almost wish there was an annual exam to verify mental capabilities as a requirement to voting but that would definitely end up rigged pretty quick.

      • bruhduh
        1 year ago

        No bad faith in my comment, but all “wingers” are bad, it’s class war, if you support upper class, you support all this shit, because corporations have their lobbyists at both sides at the same time, unionise and fight for your rights, corporations fear unions, what we all must do is be a community, not divided as they want us to be, if you want examples of success, recent Starbucks unions, 1900s ford and Chrysler unions