1st season premiered in July, aired for half year // The Fuji TV Anime Lineup Press Conference 2024 event on Monday revealed that Rurouni Kenshin Meiji Kenkaku...
Huh… That first season was so mediocre. The original show is heavily flawed and I was kind of looking forward to the first season because of that, But It’s just so bland. The art is very average and uninteresting the voice acting is fine, which is a big step up from the og. The music is way worse in the new one. The pacing is better. It’s a really mixed bag. They fixed the weak areas a little, but also lost most of what made it good in the first place.
IDK… I really wanted a new and improved Kenshin, but I’m not sure why this is even getting a second season. Was it popular in Japan? No one I know watched it over here.
This mostly lines up with my experience with the new Kenshin as well. Some things were better (VA work in particular), but other things were worse. In general, I think it didn’t have the charm of the original and came off as a pretty average show at the end of the day.
Huh… That first season was so mediocre. The original show is heavily flawed and I was kind of looking forward to the first season because of that, But It’s just so bland. The art is very average and uninteresting the voice acting is fine, which is a big step up from the og. The music is way worse in the new one. The pacing is better. It’s a really mixed bag. They fixed the weak areas a little, but also lost most of what made it good in the first place.
IDK… I really wanted a new and improved Kenshin, but I’m not sure why this is even getting a second season. Was it popular in Japan? No one I know watched it over here.
This mostly lines up with my experience with the new Kenshin as well. Some things were better (VA work in particular), but other things were worse. In general, I think it didn’t have the charm of the original and came off as a pretty average show at the end of the day.