• @[email protected]
    8010 months ago

    They’re Apple users. They aren’t used to making any decisions when it comes to how their phones work

    • @Nurgle
      1210 months ago

      I’d defend myself, but I work in digital marketing so I’m not going to dissuade anyone from using AdWords… I mean Android.

    • @cmbabul
      110 months ago

      Don’t lump us all in with them, Safari with Adblock extensions on mobile, Firefox everywhere else

    • @kameecoding
      -510 months ago

      We don’t have to, cuz they work 😉

        • @kameecoding
          -710 months ago

          They also work how I want them to, well instead of having to fight my own phone, it just works, go figure

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            Oh give me a break with this nonsense. Android has an 80% global market share, your average dipshit uses it just fine. It also “just works” and very frequently works better than iOS.

            Safari is a shit tier browser when it comes to web standards and performance. It’s hilarious how iOS users try so hard to justify blowing $1000 on a phone when an Android 1/2 of the price does exactly the same thing and is just as easy to use. Why can’t you just enjoy your apple garbage without having this weird superiority complex?

            • @kameecoding
              10 months ago

              Uff, projecting a bit aren’t we? I didn’t start the flame war, the other guy started by shitting on iphone users.

              And yes, android phones do the 80% of Iphones for less money, but you know what? Those last 20% I do care about.

              Just something as simple as switching my wireless earbuds between my computer and phone seamlessly, compare the experience between android + windows/linux and the experience with Iphone + macbook with airpods.

              Small shit like that " just working" makes a huge difference in UX and thats what I care about.

              Not sure how Safari being garbage is relevant, so is chrome, I use firefox, so, whatever?

              I have has wireless bluetooth earbuds since like 2018, all of them had the issue that if I put my phone in certain pockets they would cut out, etc.

              Even my airpods had that issue with my latest OnePlus phone, guess what, never happened once with Iphone, it just works, I don’t have to think about which pocket I should be putting my phone into.

              The most annoying thing about the Iphone is the keyboard, but I am getting used to it, tried swiftkey, but just as much of a laggy poece of shit as it is on android

            • @kameecoding
              010 months ago

              Whatever you need to tell yourself, lol