Key Points

  • President Joe Biden said the federal Medicare program should negotiate prices for at least 50 prescription drugs each year, up from the current target of 20 medicines.
  • That proposal is one of several new health-care policy plans Biden will outline during his State of the Union address Thursday.
  • But the fate of his new proposals will be in the hands of a divided Congress, making it highly uncertain whether they will pass into law.
  • @FlowVoid
    07 months ago

    I’m not old enough for Medicare, but people who I love and support are. When they benefit, I benefit.

    • @go_go_gadget
      7 months ago

      If you’re only celebrating things that benefit other people the rest of your life must be pretty sweet. Unless you’re trying to tell me you’re suffering and in spite of that you don’t care you’re not seeing anything directly benefit you.

      • @FlowVoid
        07 months ago

        The ACA benefits me directly.

        But life isn’t necessarily “sweet” for people who have to take care of others. Plenty of people are struggling yet have to take care of their children and their parents. All of the legislation in that list helps to ease their burden.

        • @go_go_gadget
          27 months ago

          But life isn’t necessarily “sweet” for people who have to take care of others. Plenty of people are struggling yet have to take care of their children and their parents. All of the legislation in that list helps to ease their burden.

          So your life sucks then? You seem to be having a difficult time explaining why you’re grateful to Democrats for what they’ve done without accidentally admitting it’s because you’re not suffering.

          • @FlowVoid
            07 months ago

            I never said I was personally suffering. But my loved ones are struggling in retirement and I’m deeply grateful for what Democrats have done for them.

            You seem to think all that matters in life is whether you are personally suffering. You truly think like a Republican, every “I got mine Jack” accusation is a confession.

            • @go_go_gadget
              27 months ago

              You seem to think all that matters in life is whether you are personally suffering.

              How many decades of suffering am I supposed to put up with before I start insisting the things I care about need to improve too?

              If you’re genuinely telling me this is my life in perpetuity and my attempts for something better are a moral failing then what’s left for me?

              • @FlowVoid
                7 months ago

                The ACA provides a benefit to a family of four with an income under $120K or a single person with an income under $58K.

                If you don’t qualify, then congratulations your income is above the US median. You got yours, Jack. And Democrats will focus their attention on those who are less fortunate.

                • @go_go_gadget
                  27 months ago

                  Democrats will focus their attention on those who are less fortunate.

                  Why are you framing this like an either/or situation?

                  • @FlowVoid
                    7 months ago

                    When talking about things that cost money, it’s always either/or. If you spend $X someone in the top 50%, you have $X less to spend on those in the bottom 50%. And personally I prefer that Democrats generally prioritize spending for the bottom 50%.

                    Democrats also support things that help everyone and don’t cost the government anything. For example, the ACA banned insurance companies from rejecting people with pre-existing conditions, banned them from raising premiums on sick people, banned them from dropping people in the middle of treatment. Those were all major problems before the ACA, and the ACA helped everyone by fixing them.