Text on white background, which reads, “Your single family home has a 2 car garage right? Let’s say you rent it out to a tenant right? Do you guys let the tenant park the vehicles inside the garage? Like I know it’s meant for that but what if they hit your house and don’t tell you? How do you go about this?”
Holy shit when can we start killing landlords?
And CEO’s and the 1%.
Or you can just sue them.
You aren’t allowed to do this. The garage is apart of the house that you pay for in your rent. You can’t deny a tenant the space they pay for. Along with that a landlord isn’t supposed to have anything of theirs in a tenant’s house. They aren’t even allowed to touch your shit unless you say it’s ok. Even if they pick something up and move it like 6 inches, it’s considered a form of theft.
I went through this with a shit landlord awhile back. I got a lawyer involved and everything, but just moved out. It wasn’t worth it.
Get professional help, before you actually hurt someone. Edit: Same goes for the downvoters. Get some therapy to find your way back into reality & society before you radicalize yourself further.
I’m not sure telling them to hire an assassin is the right move, but it sounds like you have some personal experience here.
What kind of professional help would you recommend?
Shinobi? Persian Immortals? A French hitman, perhaps?
You unfortunately can’t therapy your way out of poverty and desperation.
Venting on the Internet helps though
Found the landlord
Not condoning literal murder makes me a landlord now? Guess the world is full of landlords then.
Just the kind of people that also pretend they don’t know why people keep going into the concentration camps but no one comes out
Go back to Reddit.
I left Reddit exactly for this kind of psychopathic extremist bullshit.
Maybe you are finding out these sentiments aren’t so extreme and are more normalized at this point
Literal murder isn’t so extreme and is normalized? In what kind of shithole do you live?
Yeah. You realize most progress societies make is with the spilling of blood?
Well, go on then. Murder some people and see the progress happening.
The US
The US is still a state under the rule of law so murder is definitely not normalized, let alone welcomed. But feel free to try I guess and see where it gets you.