• BornVolcano
    592 years ago

    Image Transcription:

    [An image depicting two thousand and forty-eight light blue 13.7 ounce cans of ‘Heinz Beanz’ brand baked beans in tomato sauce arranged in a sixty-four by thirty-two rectangle on a white background. The image quality makes the words on the can impossible to make out and very blurry.]

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

      • BornVolcano
        82 years ago

        I have skills beyond your comprehension

    • @15liam20
      2 years ago

      How can you tell how big they are? Did you look at every one?

      • BornVolcano
        122 years ago

        It started as one easy to read bean can and I extended the transcription with every update.

        Also I’m magic.