Sorry for the super sporadic posting. Still in the process of moving and everything. I am giving updates on my Mastodon and [email protected] if anyone is interested but there’s really no reason to be.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday. Live long and prosper, you glorious bastards.

  • Flying SquidM
    7 months ago

    Excuse me, but I was posting about Voyager lizard sex from day one.

    Right after they left for the Badlands and started chasing that Maquis ship, I got on Usenet and posted, “I hope they catch that Maquis ship and Janeway and the Maquis captain turn into lizards and have sex.” Then when it turned out that she had lizard sex with someone other than Chakotay, I angry posted for a month.

    Good luck with the move, friend! I hope it’s the start of a bright future for you!

    • StametsOPM
      127 months ago

      See… not I’m not sure whether that’s true or not and somehow that frightens me more lol

      Thanks buddy <3 It will be! Get to start over with my lil kitty and my best friend. Sister be close by. It’ll be good.

      • Flying SquidM
        107 months ago

        I also posted, “this show is okay so far, but I’m really hoping Janeway will murder someone in the transporter in a sort of subversion of the trolley problem.” So it turned out okay.