Or the usefulness and accuracy of the information. The Anarchists Cookbook is an objectively shitty book that sells only to naive edgelords. Naturally, I had a copy. Then I turned 16
I was a bit late - I remember trying so hard to find it when I was 16-17, but failing, then eventually hearing that it had been written by the FBI so that inexperienced troublemakers would blow themselves up before becoming a danger to anyone else… Then I found out about ammonium nitrate and how easy it was to come by, and started experimenting with it… But then Oklahoma City happened when I was about 18 or 19 and was kind of a wake up call.
Ah yes, the Anarchists Cookbook was the precursor to the dark web, but without the interactivity of course.
Or the usefulness and accuracy of the information. The Anarchists Cookbook is an objectively shitty book that sells only to naive edgelords. Naturally, I had a copy. Then I turned 16
I was a bit late - I remember trying so hard to find it when I was 16-17, but failing, then eventually hearing that it had been written by the FBI so that inexperienced troublemakers would blow themselves up before becoming a danger to anyone else… Then I found out about ammonium nitrate and how easy it was to come by, and started experimenting with it… But then Oklahoma City happened when I was about 18 or 19 and was kind of a wake up call.