This is on the fridge at work today.

  • @BallShapedManOP
    133 months ago

    All good points! I put in the ticket to get it fixed after eating questionable chicken the previous day, I survived so yay me.

    Whoever put the note up wasn’t part of facilities I found out that, they were just trying to be clever. Facilities wrote a hand written note on it saying they know and are waiting for parts.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      This *raises more questions. Did you take your chicken out of the fridge and not notice it was warm? Did you put it in the microwave?

      • @BallShapedManOP
        53 months ago

        I noticed the bag was warm, then I noticed my salad fixings (all in separate containers) were warm, then I put my hand in the fridge and saw it was warm. I then contemplated eating the chicken or not and decided it’s been 20+ years since the last time I’ve had food poisoning and ate the chicken.

        I then put it in a working fridge and have eaten from it 3 more times.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          Wow, braver than me. Food poisoning is one thing, but the risk of salmonella!? I don’t fuck with that…

          • @BallShapedManOP
            23 months ago

            Probably dodged a bullet there. I feel a little like Neo.