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Runtime Break start
3h 36m 1h 49m

Episode 89: Divisive Portents

Upon traveling here on the surface of Ruidus, Bell’s Hells, you have eventually journeyed across the dusty and storm-covered surface to the central capital city of Kreviris (where the Imperium’s heart remains).
You’ve trekked through the surface portion of the very tippy-top of this mostly-subterranean city.
You’ve met with a few individuals, barely dodged being found out and attacked by some of the local soldiers, defeating a few of them and others just barely getting by with some druidic ingenuity before getting the information you required, which was the location of the Volition (the resistance troop that has been working against the Imperium for a period of time that you can only assume has been a long while).
After finding where this entrance was, you talked your way into the hidden subterranean tunnels before arriving here at the Volition Pass House. Here, amongst a period of tense immediate conversations and convincing the Volition members present that you are not an immediate threat, weapons are put aside and the central figure, the seemingly leader of this (who has been referred to in the past by other members as Rashinna of the Golden Hammer) walked you to the edge of this pass house where a massive opaque crystal wall sat, and there when she touched it, it began to become semi-translucent to reveal beneath the incredibly massive cavernous space that contains the expansive, beautiful, alien, but also in some ways oddly familiar landscape of the city of Kreviris.
So here, as you take in the sights around here, Rashinna removes her hand from the crystal and it clouds over once more before she turns back to the rest of you.

“So, you’re here, you say we’re allied and you’re not a danger. What can the Volition do for you and what can you do for the Volition?”

Previous Episode “Seeking Sedition”

  • UltragrampsOPM
    1 year ago

    So, there’s an entire group of people who have no interest in swimming in large lakes or the ocean. This is partly because of a belief that they are so vulnerable in this environment, that even a predator making some sort of a mistake would end up enjoying them as a meal.

    Bringing this up because the surface of Ruidus is a big dirt ocean for the slithers and bane worms. We know now that the slithers can be controlled. The objective is confirmed to be deep below the surface and has not one, but five potent psionic beings in control, and it’s likely safe to assume that the deadly Otohan and Martinet (as separate NPCs) are in addition to those five (and the slithers and bane worms).

    My point is that Imogen’s recent exposure to the slithers would be more than enough reason to ‘nope’ out of this mission. Then again, she already risked her neck (and scalp?) by that point.