• qprimed
      12011 months ago

      “When he came to Georgia, he was aware that he was registering to vote illegally. He knew when he went in all nine times and signed that voter certificate, he was voting illegally,” he said last February.

      Administrative Law Judge Lisa Boggs agreed, and issued Pritchard a $5,000 fine, and ordered that he receive a public reprimand from the State Election Board.

      Surely, you jest?!

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Holy fuck that’s depressingly ridiculous. This is how our democracy ends? Really, idiots getting away with the dumbest shit and lightly scolded at worst.

        I fucking hate it here. I need to leave.

    • @AbidanYre
      7411 months ago

      he pleaded guilty, admitted he made a “stupid mistake”

      The string of conscious decisions over the length of time it took him to do that are in no way a “stupid mistake”.

    • @Buffalox
      4611 months ago

      6 years for voting when it’s also claimed to be a democratic right is insane. USA is a very dysfunctional democracy. Starting with first past the post, which is to blame for the undemocratic 2 party system.

      Preventing people in conflict with the law from voting, is an obvious undemocratic and oppressive policy too. Like saying you can only vote if you agree.

      • @[email protected]
        2111 months ago

        When you abuse the system to cheat at voting (as multiple GOP folks have been proven in court), I think it’s completely fair and correct to temporarily restrict your ability to participate. You’ve shown that you don’t treat it with the proper degree of responsibility.

        • @Buffalox
          11 months ago

          The 6 years was for voting when the person believed he could. But it was punished harshly to oppress and create fear among black voters.
          The White guy knowingly committed voter fraud, and only got probation.

          Yes it would be fair in the 2nd case to issue punishment for voter fraud, but not in the first, since the unfairness clearly is that the person was prevented in performing his democratic right. Except USA is only barely a democracy, and democratic rights are trampled routinely.

    • @whotookkarl
      3011 months ago

      People in positions of power or authority should be held to a higher standard, not an equal or lower one. He should get the book thrown at him and several years to think about why fucking with the elections is a bad idea.

    • Optional
      11 months ago

      Haha - oh no, no. No, there are certain . . mmmmm nuances that distinguish that case from this case. Hahaha. You know these cases, they’re- they’re complex, right . . . it’s not just BLACK or WHITE, right? Haha right Texas?! Hahaha - yeah . . Texas gets it.