Israel has deployed a mass facial recognition program in the Gaza Strip, creating a database of Palestinians without their knowledge or consent, The New York Times reports. The program, which was created after the October 7th attacks, uses technology from Google Photos as well as a custom tool built by the Tel Aviv-based company Corsight to identify people affiliated with Hamas.

  • @Keeponstalin
    011 months ago

    This technology has and will continue to be used to justify attacks on civilians by calling them terrorists.

    I’m sure you also have an issue with B’TSelem and Breaking the Silence. JVP does very credible work and has consistently advocated for peace and coexistence. But here, take those facts from these other sources instead if you don’t like JVP.

    UN report: 80% of Gaza inhabitants relied on international aid before war - The Guardian

    2023 marks deadliest year on record for children in the occupied West Bank - Save The Children - Sept 18, 23

    2023 is ‘deadliest year’ for Palestinian children say human rights groups - New Arab - Oct 6, 23

    • @[email protected]
      -111 months ago

      The technology should be used to identify people who are hiding among civilians and eliminate them yes. Perfect case use for it.

      JVP platforms convicted terrorists. Their founding moderator is a Lebanese based Anti semite who’s been outed for years. You don’t even need to be Jewish to open a chapter, using them as the voice of Jewish people is outwardly bigoted and frankly disgusting but tells me all I need to know about your ability to discern information on this topic.

      • @Keeponstalin
        111 months ago

        You mean Rasmea Odeh, who was convicted in an Israeli Military Court, where palestinians are presumed guilty with no rights or representation, after being tortured into a confession?

        Palestinians denied civil rights including Military Court

        One of the most problematic practices of military courts is the use of remand in custody until the end of proceedings. This means that a person whose interrogation has been completed and who has already been formally charged is kept in detention until the legal proceedings are over. These individuals are not serving a prison sentence, have not even been sentenced, and should be presumed innocent until proven guilty… A direct outcome of this policy is that the vast majority of military court cases end in plea bargains in which the defendants plead guilty (usually in return for the prosecution dropping some of the charges). Defendants prefer to avoid a lengthy evidentiary trial, knowing that in most probability, they would be held in remand for the duration of the trial, such that even if they are ultimately acquitted, their time in detention would exceed the sentence they would receive in the plea bargain. As a consequence, the prosecution is seldom required to go through a full evidentiary trial, in which it must present evidence to prove a person guilty. Instead, the outcome of the case is decided at the time remand is granted, rather than on the basis of evidence against the defendant. And so, a pretrial decision to remand a defendant in custody before conviction renders the judicial proceeding meaningless.

        Palestinian Prisoners in Israel including Child abuse

        Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity

        Particularly harsh are methods used by the Israel Security Agency to obtain information and “confessions”, practices well documented by Amnesty International and other human rights organizations. Methods reported by Palestinian detainees include painful shackling and binding; immobilization in stress positions; sleep deprivation; the use of threats, including against family members; sexual harassment; the extensive use of prolonged solitary confinement; and verbal abuse. All these methods amount to torture or other ill-treatment. Interrogations under torture can last for weeks, with the detainee routinely denied access to a lawyer. Torture and other ill-treatment are frequently inflicted with the complicity of medical professionals, especially on detainees staging prolonged hunger strikes.

        None of the members of JVL are antisemitic. Anti-zionism and criticisms of the (apartheid) State of Israel are not remotely the same thing of antisemitism. Israel never has and never will represent all Jewish people. Your conflation of the two is genuine antisemitism, the actions of Israel in no way reflect on all Jewish people.

        • @[email protected]
          -111 months ago

          Why would foreigners get civil rights in the country they’re attacking? America locks people in cages and separates them from their kids, they also ship them to an island off the mainland…are you trying to claim non israelis should get the same rights as Israelis?

          If so, they really should have agreed to join Israel like their cousins did in 48, those 2 million Arabs have rights. Plenty of decisions up until they’re being held for trial could avoid this. Maybe the Palestinian could start making some better ones at this point, they’ve proven to be their own worst enemy FFS.

          • @Keeponstalin
            11 months ago

            Before 1948, Palestinian Leadership repeatedly advocated for a Unitary Binational State for decades.

            Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928, Arab Higher Committee advocating for Unified State 1937, Arab League advocating for Unified State 1948.

            The concept of Transfer in Zionist thought and the displacement of Palestinians since the 1920s culminated into a full fledged ethnic cleansing campaign in 1948. Partition and later the Two-State Solution have been wielded by Israel to covet and annex as much Palestinian land as possible with the least amount of Palestinians.

            The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948

            Transfer Committee and the JNF led to Forced Displacement of 100,000 Palestinians throughout the mandate.

            Plan Dalet and Details of Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)

            After the 1948 ethnic cleansing, the remaining Palestinian population within now Israel were subject to Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations, later practiced in the occupied territories after the 1967 war: Haaretz, Forward

            Even today Arab Israelis are discriminated against as second class citizens including Education (2001 report). Not nearly as brutal as Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, or Gaza, but they all live under Israeli Military Control. This is Apartheid, by international definitions.

            Amnesty Report, HRW Report, AIDA Report, OCHA Report on the details of the daily violence Israel uses to enforce the apartheid. Gaza Blockade is still Occupation

            After the founding of Israel, the Two-State Solutions were utilized to further annex the Palestinian Occupied Territories and enact military control over Palestinians while denying them human and civil rights. Despite this, both Fatah and later Hamas have accepted a Two-State Solution on the 1967 borders, with the two most important factors being the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees and an end to the permanent occupation.

            Oslo Accords MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ

            History of peace process

            • @[email protected]
              -111 months ago

              Zuheir Mohsen said it best in '77, and all that followed is simply taqiyya. This has nothing to do with land, land which is clearly and obviously the homeland of the Jewish people, it’s got everything to do with bigotry and the failure of the Arab conquest.

              “The Palestinian people do not exist. There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese… It is only for political reasons that we carefully endorse our Palestinian identity. Indeed, it is of national interest for the Arabs to encourage the existence of the Palestinians in the face of Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new means to continue the struggle against Israel and for Arab unit”

              • @Keeponstalin
                111 months ago

                That’s insane and completely ahistorical. Even the leaders of Zionism didn’t hide their intentions of Settler Colonialism. Herzl was very open about it being a colonist project. You’re at odds with every New Historian who actually have researched this history.

                “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” - David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

                “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

                There is no justification for ethnic cleansing and stealing people’s homes. Justifying it with a history 2000 years removed makes zero sense. Palestinians also did have a cultural identity. It was never nationalized before Zionism because none of the regime changes before displaced Palestinians and put them under permanent occupation.

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  You’re claiming one of the founders of the PLOs words are inaccurate and ahistorical? C’mon man, that’s just silly.

                  Herzl used the common language of the time, that’s not debated and obviously expected. The fact of the matter is that Jews were already present, had a majority of population in numerous centers within the Land and the European refugees were a minority when the UN partitioned the land. It’s also not disputed that Israel granted citizenship to the Arabs who didn’t flee during the war in '48, and there’s millions of them living in Israel currently as a result. Is Israel expected to grant citizenship to the people who took up arms against them and refused to acknowledge their existence? You can’t seriously believe that. That’s the definition of fucking around and finding out, those people left under the promise of Israel’s destruction, it’s not Israel’s fault for not letting the Arab League uphold their promises. The Arabs were offered to partition the land, they really should have taken the offer, it was initially more generous than what was offered to the Jews. It’s been the same crying ever since.

                  • @Keeponstalin
                    11 months ago

                    No the quote is a valid quote, but it doesn’t represent what you said at all. It’s stating that Palestinian nationalism only began in response to Settler Colonialism.

                    You’re wrong about how the war started, the founding of Israel, and what happened to the Palestinians that survived the ethnic cleansing campaign. I’ve already provided links for all of those above.