• @fireweed
    49 months ago

    There are native grasses that can be kept as maintained lawns, such as blue grama (although the recommendation is to cut it a little taller, 3-4"). It’s not going to be emerald green like Kentucky blue, however if you live in a dry area with watering restrictions your lawn will be the greenest on the block for sure!

    • @grue
      9 months ago
      1. That entire page makes no mention of blue grama being resistant to foot traffic, which is half the point of a lawn and therefore an important requirement for turf grass. The omission (in combination with it being mentioned as slow-growing) makes me suspect the worst.

      2. It mentions that you’re supposed to be careful not to over water it, but also that you need to water it more often in order for it to form a uniform turf instead of growing in clumps. Sounds kinda fiddly to me.