A coalition of 22 state attorneys general is calling on Congress to address “the glaring vagueness” that has led to legal cannabis products being sold over the counter across the country — including sometimes from vending machines or online.

letter dated March 20 addresses the consequences of Republican lawmakers’ choice to legalize hemp production in the 2018 omnibus Farm Bill — a decision that perhaps inadvertently led to a multibillion-dollar market in intoxicating cannabis products that are arguably federally legal.

Now, the attorneys general want Congress to shutter the market it helped create. In the new Farm Bill, they want the legislature to enshrine in statute the idea that intoxicating cannabis is not federally legal — contrary to what the law currently states.

  • @givesomefucks
    11 months ago

    Presidents don’t just get to tell the DEA what to do.

    Explain how Biden ordered every federal agency to return to office.

    He started out asking


    Then ordered them to return


    Non paywalled article


    Maybe you don’t have federal experience, but agencies have to do what the president tells them to do.

    It’s the whole “chain of command” thing…

    Edit for your edit:

    Now, the FDA has already recommended changing the scheduling, and the DEA is currently considering it, so the process is actually underway.


    Absolutely nothing?

    For 80 years the Dem party has been “looking into” FDR wanting universal healthcare. It’s naive to believe this is any different when Dems have been saying the same thing since at least 2008. It doesn’t take 16 years to deschedule. And if you believe there’s still doubts about how harmful cannabis is and if it’s as bad as heroin…

    • gregorum
      11 months ago

      I’m very sorry you can’t tell the difference between a president telling people to get to work and telling them what decision to reach.

      I suggest you look up the word “nuance” while you’re trying to cherry pick your way around the facts of the matter, btw

        • gregorum
          11 months ago

          Thanks for explaining how ordering federal employees back to the office has nothing to do with making a decision regarding the scheduling of marijuana, and how telling people to get back to the office is a totally different order than telling the DEA how to reach a decision.

          And, as I recall, your stubborn attempts to refuse all efforts at good reason often end similarly as this one has— poorly for you.

            • Flying Squid
              611 months ago

              Nonsense. People aren’t arguing with AIs over Lemmy. There are plenty of people on the left who act like Biden is the worst president in U.S. history. Because American politics is all about hyperbole over rationality.

              • @Fapper_McFapper
                311 months ago

                That’s exactly what an AI would say…

                Good morning Flying Squid!

                • Flying Squid
                  311 months ago


                  Good morning!

        • @dogslayeggs
          111 months ago

          Biden is in the Executive side of the government. He is in charge of executing the work of the government. In your example, he chose how those organizations executed their business. He did not choose what outcome those organizations had from the work he directed them to execute. It’s like a professor telling you to research a new thing. They can tell you what work to do and how to do it, but the results of your research should be out of their hands.

          Biden can force them to study legalizing weed. Biden might even be able to propose a law to legalize weed that Congress can vote on, but he knows that vote won’t pass and that the Speaker of the House might not even allow it to come to a vote in the House.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      The president can order the operations of federal agencies, but they can’t order specific procedural outcomes.

      The power of the DEA to schedule drugs comes from Congress, not from the executive branch. Congress created the DEA to build process to review drugs and manage them. The president is in charge of executing that procedure, not changing it or skipping it entirely. The power to effectively make laws is Congress, not the president.
      As weird as it seems, there isn’t actually a loophole where the president can order someone to change the law even if that person is technically their employee.

      • @givesomefucks
        -1611 months ago

        The power to effectively make laws is Congress, not the president.

        Nothing about descheduling involves passing a law…

        There’s no federal laws about cannabis (technically there is now about hemp).

        It’s illegal federally because it’s scheduled 1.

        Biden 100% can change it, you just don’t seem to understand the process.

        Maybe that’s why so people disagree with me tho. They think this has something to do with laws?

        • gregorum
          11 months ago

          The law is the Controlled Substances Act.

          The process has been explained to you (I explained it pretty clearly in my first response to you). We understand the process.

          You seem to think it’s just a matter of Biden saying to the DEA, “Do it!”

          You’re wrong.

          No matter how many times you assert that Biden can simply order the DEA to reschedule cannabis, you’ll always be wrong.

        • @[email protected]
          911 months ago

          No, you very much don’t understand how the government works.
          Federal agencies operate with the force of law because they were given regulatory power derived from Congress. The ability for the DEA to manage drug scheduling is derived from it’s congressional creation. They can’t execute the process as they wish, but have to follow the rules created by Congress for them to change the scheduling.


          There’s a law professor explaining it in nice short form.


          A more in depth analysis from the congressional research service.

          Tldr: you are mistaken as to how it works.

          • @givesomefucks
            -1311 months ago


            We also argue that the CSA’s scheduling procedure may allow the President to remove marijuana from the CSA’s ambit entirely. This proposition, we acknowledge, is much more uncertain. It would hinge on a reinterpretation of some of the CSA’s key terms, a generous construction of a CSA provision that deals with treaty obligations, and a modicum of deference to the administrative agencies on judicial review.

            Right there, by a source you just vouched for.

            It’s been a busy morning, so I really appreciate you taking the time to link that for me

            • gregorum
              611 months ago

              What, exactly, do you think that says? Because I’m pretty sure you just read that as, “The President can tell the DEA to reschedule cannabis,” and that’s not at all what it says.

              • Promethiel
                411 months ago

                Warning! Entering ecological nuance dead zone, are you sure what you are doing is worth it?

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              Taken out of context, that sentence loses significant meaning.

              We argue that this procedure gives the President—acting through the FDA and DEA—power to reschedule marijuana to a less restrictive schedule (as the Biden Administration is currently trying to do). Those administrative agencies can conclude that marijuana has an accepted medical use and a relatively low potential for abuse—characteristics that align with placement on Schedule III, IV, or V.

              That’s the part you skipped, which indicates that the president has the power to direct the agencies to reevaluate and reschedule. They further contend that this process could be used to entirely unschedule the drug.

              The question being answered in the portion you cherry picked is not if the president has unilateral authority, but rather what the extent of the administrative process they must follow actually is.

              An even more direct segment from the CRS report:

              If the President sought to act in the area of controlled substances regulation, he would likely do so by executive order. However, the Supreme Court has held that the President has the power to issue an executive order only if authorized by “an act of Congress or . . . the Constitution itself.” The CSA does not provide a direct role for the President in the classification of controlled substances, nor does Article II of the Constitution grant the President power in this area (federal controlled substances law is an exercise of Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce). Thus, it does not appear that the President could directly deschedule or reschedule marijuana by executive order. Although the President may not unilaterally deschedule or reschedule a controlled substance, he does possess a large degree of indirect influence over scheduling decisions. The President could pursue the appointment of agency officials who favor descheduling, or use executive orders to direct DEA, HHS, and FDA to consider administrative descheduling of marijuana. The notice-and-comment rulemaking process would take time, and would be subject to judicial review if challenged, but could be done consistently with the CSA’s procedural requirements. In the alternative, the President could work with Congress to pursue descheduling through an amendment to the CSA.

              • @givesomefucks
                -811 months ago

                Man, I thought you understood…

                It’s easier for Biden to deschedule, than it is to reschedule. They’re two different procedures.

                He can deschedule right now. Instead he wants to reschedule, which doesn’t really do much and still keeps it federally illegal, along with defacto illegal in lots of states. And is much harder to accomplish.

                I’m sorry I can’t explain it to you in a way you can understand. But since your own source can’t either, I won’t take it personally

                • @[email protected]
                  311 months ago

                  You aren’t even reading things are you?
                  It’s a report direct from the congressional research service saying “no, the president can’t unilaterally reschedule or deschedule”, and you take that as agreeing with your assertion that he can.

                  You must be trolling.

            • @dogslayeggs
              311 months ago

              That paragraph you just quoted said it MAY be possible… but only if you completely reinterpret one law, use a wide interpretation of how we deal with treaties, and also just ignore other laws in deference to the President.

              So basically it is only possible if we ignore the law.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      A general can order a private to run into a firefight.

      A general can’t order a private to give him oral sex.

      It’s that whole ‘chain of command’ thing.

      • BombOmOm
        -411 months ago

        Congress explicitly made it the DEA’s job to schedule and deschedule drugs in the Controlled Substances Act. Much like a general can tell a private to do their job by running into a firefight, the president can tell the DEA to do their job by descheduling cannabis.

        • gregorum
          11 months ago

          Funny, because you started by explaining that Congress created the DEA and laid out how they work, then end by claiming the President tell them what to do, as if that makes any sense.

          • BombOmOm
            11 months ago

            The DEA is part of the Executive Branch, which the president is the head of. The president tells members of the executive branch, such as the DEA, what to do as a matter of course. Biden even appointed the current head of the DEA, Anne Milgram.

            • gregorum
              11 months ago

              The president tell the DEA to review cannabis’s scheduling, but he can’t tell them what or how to decide.

              And he’s done that. And they’re reviewing it now.

              But the decision is theirs to make, and Biden can’t force them to decide one way or the other.

              As mentioned in another comment:

              The president can order the operations of federal agencies, but they can’t order specific procedural outcomes.

              The power of the DEA to schedule drugs comes from Congress, not from the executive branch. Congress created the DEA to build process to review drugs and manage them. The president is in charge of executing that procedure, not changing it or skipping it entirely. The power to effectively make laws is Congress, not the president.

              As weird as it seems, there isn’t actually a loophole where the president can order someone to change the law even if that person is technically their employee.

              • BombOmOm
                11 months ago

                It’s all about that soft power. The most direct form of this is via appointments. Simply choosing a head that wants to deschedule, for example. And that is just the most obvious, there are tons and tons of soft power avenues the president has at his disposal.

                • gregorum
                  11 months ago

                  “If I were in power, I’d easily manipulate my hand-selected, corrupt underlings to my will, bwahaha! Certainly my opponents must operate the same way! MWAHAHAHA!”

                  [ Slithering gurgles of evilness abound, loudly ]

                  SNAP BACK TO REALITY: No. Actual, responsible government officials don’t act that way and take their jobs seriously— including their oaths to dutifully and honestly execute their duties in service of the people of their nation, rather than their own selfish interests.

                  • BombOmOm
                    11 months ago

                    Of course presidents would never appoint people that agree with them politically. Who would ever do that? A complete misuse of power! That is why every Democrat appointed position is even more right-leaning than the ones Republicans put up!

        • @dogslayeggs
          311 months ago

          No, the president can tell the DEA to do their job, which is studying whether they should deschedule cannabis. He can’t tell them what results their job should have.

          In this metaphor, the general can tell the private to go fight on the battlefield. The general cannot determine whether the private kills people or comes back alive. The general can train the private and give the private all the support and tools necessary to win a fight, but in the end the results come down to the private.

      • @[email protected]
        -1011 months ago

        This is an insane attempt at analogy. Nobody’s suggesting Biden sexually assault the DEA or anyone at the DEA, or anything of the sort.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          Do you really not understand that they were illustrating "the power to give orders does not mean every order is legal”?

          The president can order the operations of federal agencies, but they can’t order specific procedural outcomes.

          The power of the DEA to schedule drugs comes from Congress, not from the executive branch. Congress created the DEA to build process to review drugs and manage them. The president is in charge of executing that procedure, not changing it or skipping it entirely. The power to effectively make laws is Congress, not the president.
          As weird as it seems, there isn’t actually a loophole where the president can order someone to change the law even if that person is technically their employee.

      • @givesomefucks
        -1011 months ago

        What does that have to do with anything anyone is talking about about?

        Biden can tell the DEA to reschedule, and they have to listen.

        It’s part of the DEA’s job to schedule drugs, it’s not their job to hand out blowjobs

        • gregorum
          811 months ago

          Biden can tell the DEA to reschedule, and they have to listen.

          Just like people here in the comments can keep explaining that you’re wrong, and you don’t have to listen.