• ComradeSharkfucker
    1011 months ago

    I want you to go to an iraqi and tell them that american intervention benefitted them and their nation. Say that to a cambodian, vietnamese, nicaraguan, chilean, cuban, north korean, venezuelan, haitian, balkan, etc. the list goes on. You haven’t had a truly experienced the third world if you havent sat around a fire with sunflower seeds and grumbled about america. When i say that america is worse than israel i am referring to the purposeful bombings of civilians, hospitals, industrial infrastructure, and schools; I am referring to the overthrowing of democratically elected governments, the funding of fascist death squads, and the illegal and immoral sanctions meant to destabilize foreign powers all in the name of profit. Humanitarian aid is meaningless if you are the reason its necessary

    • @Malek061
      011 months ago

      You complain about America yet America contains China and their genocidal Muslim death squads. You bemoan American intervention yet that intervention keeps energy prices stable saving millions of lives getting food dependant on that. You curse America even though it keeps murdering dictators at bay. America has used its power and navy to keep the seas open and trade flowing. You talk about the third world while you sit around a coal fire under provided by the trade America’ protects. Is America perfect? Absolutely not. But it can be much, much worse. If not America, then who? Look how China has been behaving in Africa. Russia seems very reasonable and understanding. America helped end colonialism. Also, thank goodness for America eradicating disease around the world. America led the way eradicating aids, guinea worm, polio, small pox, measles, and TB.

      If you’re going to lob criticism, you need to acknowledge the whole. Global population says American efforts have been a resounding success. A simple thank you would be nice.

      • @Gabu
        111 months ago

        You’re either a troll or your brain is so rotten that you may as well cut off your head, as it’s doing nothing

        • @Malek061
          011 months ago

          Thanks for the ad hominem attack. I’m sorry the facts are against your opinion.

          • @Gabu
            111 months ago

            And I am sorry your family had to deal with your existence

            • @Malek061
              011 months ago

              That’s all you got? You didn’t bring any counter argument. You just lobbed a half hearted insult. America has made the world a better place and that’s a fact. Now if you could pull your head out of your ass for one minute, you could see that. But as of this moment, it is far up there that if you blinked, you’d tickle the back of your throat and cough out the cum you have been gargling all day at the gloryhole you have been working.

              • @Gabu
                111 months ago

                I don’t need a counter argument when talking to an american - your brain is less developed than that of a literal slug :)

                • @Malek061
                  011 months ago

                  If that’s true, why do we wield the most power in the world? Surely everyone else is smarter and can overpower us. Oh wait…

      • davel [he/him]
        011 months ago

        You complain about America yet America contains China and their genocidal Muslim death squads.

        The US’s “Uyghur genocide” disinformation campaign has already been debunked several times over.

        We see here for example the evolution of public opinion in regards to China. In 2019, the ‘Uyghur genocide’ was broken by the media (Buzzfeed, of all outlets). In this story, we saw the machine I described up until now move in real time. Suddenly, newspapers, TV, websites were all flooded with stories about the ‘genocide’, all day, every day. People whom we’d never heard of before were brought in as experts — Adrian Zenz, to name just one; a man who does not even speak a word of Chinese.

        Organizations were suddenly becoming very active and important. The World Uyghur Congress, a very serious-sounding NGO, is actually an NED Front operating out of Germany […]. From their official website, they declare themselves to be the sole legitimate representative of all Uyghurs — presumably not having asked Uyghurs in Xinjiang what they thought about that.

        The WUC also has ties to the Grey Wolves, a fascist paramilitary group in Turkey, through the father of their founder, Isa Yusuf Alptekin.

        Documents came out from NGOs to further legitimize the media reporting. This is how a report from the very professional-sounding China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) came to exist. They claimed ‘up to 1.3 million’ Uyghurs were imprisoned in camps. What they didn’t say was how they got this number: they interviewed a total of 10 people from rural Xinjiang and asked them to estimate how many people might have been taken away. They then extrapolated the guesstimates they got and arrived at the 1.3 million figure.

        Sanctions were enacted against China — Xinjiang cotton for example had trouble finding buyers after Western companies were pressured into boycotting it. Instead of helping fight against the purported genocide, this act actually made life more difficult for the people of Xinjiang who depend on this trade for their livelihood (as we all do depend on our skills to make a livelihood).

        Any attempt China made to defend itself was met with more suspicion. They invited a UN delegation which was blocked by the US. The delegation eventually made it there, but three years later. The Arab League also visited Xinjiang and actually commended China on their policies — aimed at reducing terrorism through education and social integration, not through bombing like we tend to do in the West.

        Look how China has been behaving in Africa.

        Yeah, it’s investing in Africa’s infrastructure, as opposed to exfiltrating its resources like the Global North neocolonialists.