• @[email protected]
    -2511 months ago

    I think they believed it was the father running out. She was apparently wearing tactical gear.

    • mosiacmango
      11 months ago

      She was out of the car and crouched down alone by the passengar door when one of the cops said “its her, shes out the passenger door” and yelled at her to walk towards them. Dispatch said the same thing at the same time. As shes walking (not running) clearly unarmed towards the cops as instructed, several other cops RIGHT NEXT TO THE ONE THAT TOLD HER TO WALK TO THEM shoot her several times and kill her.

      There was controversy the same day about what happened to her. The sheriff’s department blamed her dead father, then refused to release this footage for 18 months, only doing so when sued by a journalist.

      Youre giving these violent murderers way, way, way to much credit.

      • @[email protected]
        -2311 months ago

        How do you know which officer is giving instructions, who they are near, and who heard it?

        In the video, I see at least eight officers, at least 20m away from the vehicle in all directions.

        Who was the one that shot her?

        Is there another source you can reference explaining the details? Because there’s no way anyone could know based on the video and article.

        That said, this is about as American as a police interaction can be.

          • @[email protected]
            -1611 months ago

            Facts matter. I’m not in the position to defend anyone, as it’s hard to know exactly what happened, even after watching the video several times.

            What matters is the police killed the person they were trying to save.

            When you’re in a situation where bullets are flying from both the “'good” and “bad” guy, innocent victims can, and do, get killed. This happens more often than you’d think, and there isn’t a perfect way to end a situation like this. Everyone’s life is at risk when you’ve got a murderer in a car not willing to surrender.

            The narrative that all those officers, except for one, wanted the KIDNAP VICTIM to be shot and killed is so deranged and incomprehensible outside an American mindset.

            Let’s not lose focus here. The father who kidnapped her is ultimately the one to blame. His actions led to her death.

            • @[email protected]
              1911 months ago

              Let’s not lose focus here. The father who kidnapped her is ultimately the one to blame. His actions led to her death.

              This is a wild take. These cops (all of them present) are to blame for where the rounds from their firearms go.

              • @[email protected]
                -1211 months ago

                So it was the cops who woke up that day and said “I want to kill an innocent girl today”, rather than the guy who actually got up with the intention to kill his family?

                We obviously have two different perspectives, but I could never see it that way.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  Its not a binary choice and presenting it as such is manipulative. Those cops where there to do what?

                  If it was to protect the populous then they failed miserably, shooting wildly into the public many times.

                  If it was to save the girl then they failed completely when they murdered her.

                  If it was to show everyone they are in control and had the situation in hand then they failed spectacularly when they made the whole situation into chaos.

                  If it was to bring the father to justice for intending to kill his family then they failed tragically when they helped him out by killing his family for him.

                  The idea that no matter what the cops do its the accused fault is so ass backwards to anyone outside of the USA. These chuckle fucks made a bad situation much worse while showing off their massive incompetence. Hell what would have happen if they all did not show up for work that day?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -811 months ago

                    I don’t disagree. It was a total failure on their part, but a situation like that one really had a very slim chance of success.

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              The narrative that all those officers, except for one, wanted the KIDNAP VICTIM to be shot and killed is so deranged and incomprehensible outside an American mindset.

              The idea that you have to have wanted something to happen to face consequences for it happening is going to set a lot of folks free from prison though.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                The idea that you have to have wanted something to happen to face consequences for it happening is going to set a lot of folks free from prison though.

                No, because the justice system balances the sentence based on intent. Homicide, 2nd degree murder, 1st degree murder, etc.

                This is why drivers who run over pedestrians often get no jail time, while someone who plows into pedestrians on purpose goes to jail for a long time.

                You could most certainly make a case that the officers could have been negligent, which caused someone to be killed.

                • @[email protected]
                  111 months ago

                  Then why is your entire contribution to the thread a deflection of any suggestion of consequences?

                  • @[email protected]
                    111 months ago

                    Really? I do think there should be accountability and consequences.

                    What degree of consequences depends, I guess, on how much animosity one might have towards law enforcement. I don’t think that’s a very balanced way of looking at things.

    • @[email protected]
      2711 months ago

      the guy she was going towards knew it was her, and he was calling her.

      it looks like someone else started the “she’s coming right for us” and then others joined in - but the original cop immediately shouted “stop its her” or something.

      so seriously fucked up.

      • @kautau
        1511 months ago

        Sounds like none of them had or followed any sort of proper protocol, and they should all be kicked off the force, charged with murder, and never allowed to work as police ever again

        • @[email protected]
          811 months ago

          Put on paid leave for a few months and then quietly transferred to another police station, you say?

          • @BlitzoTheOisSilent
            611 months ago

            Nah, they’ll be allowed to retire early due to PTSD and receive a pension and disability for the rest of their lives.

    • @mojofrododojo
      111 months ago

      She was apparently wearing tactical gear.

      still have yet to see any evidence this is true. doesn’t look like it from the video.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Quite literally in the article:

        “Savannah was wearing tactical gear and a helmet as she walked toward a deputy, the Sheriff’s Department said.”

        Maybe the father was using her as a decoy.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Cop statements aren’t evidence, they are cop statements. Should I link all the cases (Let’s start with Walter Scott) where what cops said was true wasn’t?

          doesn’t look like it from the video.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            Of course, you can’t trust everyone. There were like 50 people there, including EMTs who could vouch. The video we saw was highly compressed and censored, so it’s hard to see what she was wearing “at ground level”.

            That said, this happened nearly two years ago. Original reports stated that she was wearing BODY ARMOR, and may have been a “participant” in shooting at the officers during the pursuit.

            I’m not going to investigate this. It was tragic, and I hope justice is served to whomever it needs to be.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              I hope justice is served to whomever it needs to be.

              …but you’re pretty sure whomever that is, it’s not the cops.

              I hope when you eventually realize police aren’t to be trusted it’s not that you dug in your heels all the way until you had a tragic encounter with them that actually affected you. That seems to be the threshold for a great many folks, and it’s a huge contributor to the slow progression of police reform.

              Good day to you.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                …but you’re pretty sure whomever that is, it’s not the cops.

                Hmm, no. Obviously, they admit to shooting her.

                The question is, was it an accident? Negligence? or premeditated? Consequences should follow once that’s been determined.

                In the context of a shootout with someone in the vehicle she came from (initially reported as possibly her), and with either mistaken identity or reason to believe she may have been armed, it’s going to be hard to say that they intentionally caused her death.