• Pistcow
    1254 months ago

    Weird way to say cop murders innocent person.

    • @[email protected]
      324 months ago

      Yeah, it’s always interesting to see how newspapers will twist the English language to keep using passive voice with cops. It’s not “cops kill innocent” it’s “innocent killed by police’s gunfire.” Notice that in the former, it’s the cops actively killing, while in the latter it’s the victim who is listed first, then the gunfire is what is active. It’s a small bit of psychology to make the police’s actions seem more distant and removed from the situation.

      • anarcho-addict
        4 months ago

        There’s actually a word for this, and a an entire theory concerning two different styles of journalism that are used to shape public opinion.

        I had the incredible luck to take this one class in college. Believe it was called " The Media and War". This class taught by an ex cia spy.

        They did not admit this outright, They said their job title was “Citizen Diplomat”, traveling abroad for the “State Department”. I knew exactly what that meant but that school was a fucking joke (fooled me, i got out of there) so I actually don’t think anyone really noticed. Was the only one to press on what that actually looks like, doing that job. Their answers made it pretty clear First day of class they said this, with the tone being ‘read between the lines I can’t talk about it legally’. And went on sharing to the class how they had visited every country south of the US border except Cuba and VZLA. Lol.

        They had us study media statistics concerning wording, but it was always founded upon what we learned about the founding father of PR: Edward Bernays.

        Was not even aware of his existence and momentously destructive influence he had. Politicians literally would come to HIM for how to spin stories, calling him at home and he formed deep relationships with figures in the White House and was seen like a genius demigod but he was just some fuckin dumb guy peddling shit advice to the most powerful figures, you can look into this yourselves if you are not aware. His mother, Anna Bernays, was the sister of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. So yeah just that says a lot lol.

        But this class went deep. They created the course themselves (talked to them office hours to pick their brain, they were so clearly an exhausted ex spook very upfront and chose their words like a calculator but fluently) and it was clear they mixed some of their decades of work experiences / training into it. Our readings were on statistical analysis of how Operation Desert Storm was wrote about in the press. Just depressing is all I’ll say. Very eye opening. I wish this was a more utilized way of defending truth and holding the press accountable.

        This Professor lectured that after WW1’s horrific and basically meaningless war caused Americans/ Western Countries’ working class and public in general to heavily negatively associate the noun Propaganda in their “Subconscious Mental Schema”. I can’t remember the exact Phrase. There were diagrams and all that. It was very validating lookiing back. Here is concrete data that the media DOES collude with the government and private wealthy corporations or rich singular people.

        So Bernays, just some dude really, was like “ayo just stop using the word Propaganda and say Public Relations in its stead. No difference.” They intentionally took initiative and pushed this malicious attempt to keep their control over the ability to shape and distort public opinion and perceptions by recasting it as PR while simultaneously never making any mention of what that means for Journalists and their employers. He helped privatize and normalize Propaganda in plain view. By the rich. Government caught on after. To keep it short. IM sure many already know this here in this niche area of the internet but I’m just giving context for the main point and lesson I learned from that course.

        There are two types of reporting, Literally, in the sense of how you report it.

        1. Procedural Reporting: Reporting that just states facts without any analysis opnion, or context of history either short or long term (usually). This is article is a classic example of how the event is framed, for example see how it ends.

        The Sheriff’s Department did not initially disclose exactly how Savannah or Mr. Graziano had been killed, and said at the time that it > was possible that Savannah might have participated in the shooting.

        The Sheriff’s Department declined to comment on Tuesday.

        The episode is being investigated by the California Department of Justice.

        I understand this almost reflexive urge people have to point out reporters just repeat whatever cops say. Yeah this is true reporters are lazy. Without doxxing myself by oversharing I will say I was working in that field. Its not just laziness. Its intentional, depending on the story,

        Procedural reporting is deployed on other things as well, most stories really. Before social media this placated people or made politics and economical issues boring as fuck to read about, which became a part our entire culture, that is crucial for working class folks to know about, and the ones with the wealth and political power have an interest for them not to know about.

        Because we have democratic systems - the only way public opinion can oust them without violence or a revolution that will statistically make shit worse, jail them through reforms or taxing them or having basic regulations and banning their private prisons… It is leaving readers to come to their own conclusions but Americans became disinterested. Procedurally written anything is boring. Today now what is REALLY destroying social structures is the new dynamic added into this: social media. its made things more unstable. Especially after fucking Elon Musk took it over and unbanned fascists and worst of all he changed the algorithm. BLM uprisings would be impossible without the twitter we had before. Probably why he bought it.

        Circling back. Why does procedural reporting dominate?

        One being that investigative journalism is not a career anymore. That is unless you do a ‘True Crime’ podcast or whatever… or a over-funded Lefty or Fascist/Conservative or even worst a Centrist Podcast. Or anyone with a big audience on twitter too. (lets be real lmao) Podcasters defend themselves, from sometimes legitimate criticism, by insisting they aren’t real journalists.

        Even though they more likely than not criticize the mainstream journalistic media. The irony is funny, they are objectively doing research, interviewing people, following leads, and coming to conclusions. “If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck”. whatever. Which leads me to the second type of reporting this former ABC spook lectured on.

        1. Substantive Reporting: Taking the facts and coming to a substantive conclusion based on the data they collect. This is what right wingers have endlessly whined about for like a decade now. God its so annoying. Substantive Reporting doesn’t mean Propaganda to be clear.

        Yes all substantive reporting will be biased. Its a spectrum from slightly or heavily and thats good, but its what JOURNALISM IS SUPPOSED TO DO. (attempt in good faith) TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC OR AT LEAST CONSTRUCT A MEANINGFUL ARGUMENT OVER EVENTS HAPPENING IN OUR WORLD WE LIVE IN.

        If its a bad one, there will be reporters who will take notice, focus their minds, because if there’s smoke they seek fire and will look at the data and dig deeper than what was presented, and desire to show, through substantive reporting, rebutting or countering the narrative that the original journalist wrote. Or AI chat bot now lol.

        Keep this in mind when big legislation passes. At the end of the course we had to pick a subject to study and then collect an ungodly amount of data categorizing the articles takes by reading the whole thing, putting a bit more weight into the headline since thats what typically sticks in most people’s memories these days as we scroll endlessly.

        Anyway, my conclusions were really shocking how this major piece of legislation that had concerns surviellance, Edward Snowden type shit you know the section with the never ending sundowns? I sampled almost 200 articles really fucking meticulous oih my god. IIRC It was around 90% if not 95% procedurally reported on. No moral questions asked or “this is unconstitutional” just empty articles… No one dared speak up in defense of privacy. Probably out of fear, hopelessness, or anyone working at these news outlets get paid shit and don;t have talent as their industry’s income has withered horribly over the past two decades.

        Whatever. Hope someone reads this and gets something from it. Substantive reporting is crucial. This old guard instinct to be “objective as possible” and do the both sides shit is actively harming everyone. It neither educates people who are too busy working two jobs to pay the bills or allows people who care to get that perspective, even if its a bad one because it will get them at least engaged or angry about an article shilling for Israel doing genocide by writing an Op-Ed on the front page of the NYT literally like half a year after the Oct 7 attacks with Gaza basically leveled, with the headline “the horrifi tactics of pro-palestine supporters” ??? I just shake my head and understand famine EXISTS in Gaza and is not ON THE BRINK/EDGE. Etc.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        Those guns just discharged themselves, didn’t you know? The cops had absolutely nothing to do with it. (/s)

        I’m so fucking sick of this handling cops with kid gloves bullshit.

      • Alien Nathan Edward
        4 months ago

        “Officer-Adjacent Ballistic Event Culminates In Vitality Cessation In Non-Suspect Person Beneath Age of Majority”

    • @[email protected]
      294 months ago

      Cops are scared as anybody else and wanna go back to their homes without any consequence, watch fox news and beat their wife. They didn’t sign up to be inconvenienced. ohkaay?

      -Right wing nuts

    • @Etterra
      54 months ago

      Murdering murderers murder. Again.

    • ShadowRam
      4 months ago

      It’s insane that they’re just opening fire, while innocent drivers are passing by on the opposite side of that highway.

      You can see a bullet bounce off the barrier. (3:19)

      Like WTF is wrong with your country that you allow your police force to just fire off their weapons in public like that?

      None of those cops give a flying fuck about the general public in the background, and people are stunned that they killed the hostage they were supposed to be helping?

      • Alien Nathan Edward
        4 months ago

        It’s insane that they’re just opening fire, while innocent drivers are passing by on the opposite side of that highway.

        SOP. The only thing that matters to cops is that cops aren’t put at risk. Everyone else is entirely disposable. Here’s a hostage situation where the cops killed the suspects, the hostage and a bystander. The cops, of course, investigated themselves and found themselves to be entirely innocent. They have also refused to release the ballistics report from the investigation, in much the same way that the cops who murdered this girl investigated themselves and determined that she was in tactical gear and shooting at them. They then tried to bury the video that shows that those two statements were easily-disprovable lies.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Like WTF is wrong with your country that you allow your police force to just fire off their weapons in public like that?

        If I were to just guess to the reason(s) US law enforcement is so inept, I’d say training and recruiting are a huge part.

        Training: There’s apparently no universal training requirements for law enforcement officers. Many organizations and/or states have their own requirements, but there’s also situations where that is not the case.

        The following is purely anecdotal, so make of it what you want. I’m sure it’s not universally applicable. In my social circles I have a few police officers, and one of them told me of an exchange program, where he had gone to somewhere in the south east of the US. On a ride along with a deputy, they talked about training prior to patrol duty. Said deputy claimed that they had had no prior training, but was hired on the basis of a high school diploma, a drivers license, and no history of drugs or criminal behavior. First day on the force the deputy had been equipped with uniform, badge, gun, and a patrol car, and a couple of hours later had been driving about town, uniformed, armed, and extreheeemely nervous. Training hadn’t begun until 6 months later, and in the meantime that deputy had been driving around, scared of getting flagged down by civilians, because he/she had no idea of what to do.

        What kind of system allows you to drive around armed with both a gun and qualified immunity? (rhetorical question, we know what kind)

        In the recruiting part: Turning down applicants for having an above average IQ https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836 does seem weird, unless you want mindless drones carrying out orders without reflection.

      • @[email protected]
        -254 months ago

        I think they believed it was the father running out. She was apparently wearing tactical gear.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          She was out of the car and crouched down alone by the passengar door when one of the cops said “its her, shes out the passenger door” and yelled at her to walk towards them. Dispatch said the same thing at the same time. As shes walking (not running) clearly unarmed towards the cops as instructed, several other cops RIGHT NEXT TO THE ONE THAT TOLD HER TO WALK TO THEM shoot her several times and kill her.

          There was controversy the same day about what happened to her. The sheriff’s department blamed her dead father, then refused to release this footage for 18 months, only doing so when sued by a journalist.

          Youre giving these violent murderers way, way, way to much credit.

          • @[email protected]
            -234 months ago

            How do you know which officer is giving instructions, who they are near, and who heard it?

            In the video, I see at least eight officers, at least 20m away from the vehicle in all directions.

            Who was the one that shot her?

            Is there another source you can reference explaining the details? Because there’s no way anyone could know based on the video and article.

            That said, this is about as American as a police interaction can be.

              • @[email protected]
                -164 months ago

                Facts matter. I’m not in the position to defend anyone, as it’s hard to know exactly what happened, even after watching the video several times.

                What matters is the police killed the person they were trying to save.

                When you’re in a situation where bullets are flying from both the “'good” and “bad” guy, innocent victims can, and do, get killed. This happens more often than you’d think, and there isn’t a perfect way to end a situation like this. Everyone’s life is at risk when you’ve got a murderer in a car not willing to surrender.

                The narrative that all those officers, except for one, wanted the KIDNAP VICTIM to be shot and killed is so deranged and incomprehensible outside an American mindset.

                Let’s not lose focus here. The father who kidnapped her is ultimately the one to blame. His actions led to her death.

                • @[email protected]
                  194 months ago

                  Let’s not lose focus here. The father who kidnapped her is ultimately the one to blame. His actions led to her death.

                  This is a wild take. These cops (all of them present) are to blame for where the rounds from their firearms go.

                • @[email protected]
                  14 months ago

                  The narrative that all those officers, except for one, wanted the KIDNAP VICTIM to be shot and killed is so deranged and incomprehensible outside an American mindset.

                  The idea that you have to have wanted something to happen to face consequences for it happening is going to set a lot of folks free from prison though.

        • @[email protected]
          274 months ago

          the guy she was going towards knew it was her, and he was calling her.

          it looks like someone else started the “she’s coming right for us” and then others joined in - but the original cop immediately shouted “stop its her” or something.

          so seriously fucked up.

          • @kautau
            154 months ago

            Sounds like none of them had or followed any sort of proper protocol, and they should all be kicked off the force, charged with murder, and never allowed to work as police ever again

            • @[email protected]
              84 months ago

              Put on paid leave for a few months and then quietly transferred to another police station, you say?

              • @BlitzoTheOisSilent
                64 months ago

                Nah, they’ll be allowed to retire early due to PTSD and receive a pension and disability for the rest of their lives.

        • @mojofrododojo
          14 months ago

          She was apparently wearing tactical gear.

          still have yet to see any evidence this is true. doesn’t look like it from the video.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Quite literally in the article:

            “Savannah was wearing tactical gear and a helmet as she walked toward a deputy, the Sheriff’s Department said.”

            Maybe the father was using her as a decoy.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              Cop statements aren’t evidence, they are cop statements. Should I link all the cases (Let’s start with Walter Scott) where what cops said was true wasn’t?

              doesn’t look like it from the video.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                Of course, you can’t trust everyone. There were like 50 people there, including EMTs who could vouch. The video we saw was highly compressed and censored, so it’s hard to see what she was wearing “at ground level”.

                That said, this happened nearly two years ago. Original reports stated that she was wearing BODY ARMOR, and may have been a “participant” in shooting at the officers during the pursuit.

                I’m not going to investigate this. It was tragic, and I hope justice is served to whomever it needs to be.

                • @[email protected]
                  4 months ago

                  I hope justice is served to whomever it needs to be.

                  …but you’re pretty sure whomever that is, it’s not the cops.

                  I hope when you eventually realize police aren’t to be trusted it’s not that you dug in your heels all the way until you had a tragic encounter with them that actually affected you. That seems to be the threshold for a great many folks, and it’s a huge contributor to the slow progression of police reform.

                  Good day to you.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      This should keep them up at night for the rest of their lives. But of course if they had any kind of empathy or conscience they wouldn’t be cops in the first place.

      The Sheriff’s Department did not initially disclose exactly how Savannah or Mr. Graziano had been killed, and said at the time that it was possible that Savannah might have participated in the shooting.

      Absolute cunts.

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    194 months ago

    She was the victim, unarmed and following orders. If she can be killed and no one held responsible then when are any of us safe from police violence?

  • @[email protected]
    104 months ago

    Meanwhile in my neighborhood, cops called to kidnapping, find the woman later that evening.

    No firearms discharged.

    • @Lizardking27
      64 months ago

      You should mention that you are not referring to American cops.

    • @[email protected]
      -284 months ago

      That’s not newsworthy on Lemmy, it won’t make people hateful and divide them like this story will.

      • @[email protected]
        154 months ago

        Police in my country don’t carry side arms which makes it far more difficult for them to murder people.

        Though, that kidnapping incident apparently involve a firearm, so the police responding were armed, and still no one died.

        Also, they tend to not get startled by noises, say like acorns falling, or if they do, don’t have a gun to fire in blind panic, and when they are armed, have the discipline to not empty the magazine like Rambo

        • @nomous
          114 months ago

          You guys don’t even let your cops do a little brutality, as a treat?

      • @JayObey711
        4 months ago

        I think everyone here agrees. There is no devide. Buut if you say so we have to look at hundreds of hours of normal police body cam fotage now so we are allowed to criticize the government again.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          as long as body cams can be turned off (and as seen are sometimes intentionally) or “accidently” can be low on battery and turn off before the things happen that they were meant to record in the first place, then there is a problem with “normal body cam fotage” as then “normal” simply does not even exist.

          or said otherwise: what if you could record all your hundreds of visits to banks, then turn your body cam of, rob the bank and later get away with it, because you have footage showing / “prooving” that you were NOT a robber all the OTHER times ?

        • @[email protected]
          -144 months ago

          Yes, Lemmy is an echochamber that spreads a lot of divisive propaganda… maybe worth asking yourself why

          • @Gabu
            64 months ago

            Have you ever had a single thought in your life, 'murican?

  • @Davin
    14 months ago

    Kidnapped person, in the wrong place at the wrong time, found fatally wounded by bullets that had moved at a fast rate of speed that originated from firearms that police happened to be holding at the time the gun powder started a chemical reaction that sent them flying out of the barrels.