• @Olhonestjim
    2 months ago

    Oh, you think that ideology is transmitted genetically?

    How very fascist of you. Yeah, I see that 88.

    • @dragontangram88
      -312 months ago

      That’s actually my birth year. I’m also a democrat. I don’t have any dna ties to countries that had facism. You’re taking out your anger on the wrong person.

      • @Olhonestjim
        222 months ago

        Sure. And yet what you said is the exact same dogwhistle we’ve all heard so many times, directly from neo-nazis, in order to downplay the actions and ideology of another neo-nazi.

        • @Zombiepirate
          172 months ago

          Doncha know Hitler wasn’t a Nazi since he had brown eyes?


            • @[email protected]
              182 months ago

              This guy actually has a picture of Hitler so close at hand, he can post it within the same minute as the comment he’s responding to.

              • @dragontangram88
                -182 months ago

                No. It’s an online link. You can find it through Google. I don’t like Hitler. I think he was a poor leader and very anti-Semitic. I have no dna ties to his native home of Austria, nor do I have any dna ties to Nazi’s, or Germany. I realize people want to make me the villain for stating historical facts, but it doesn’t suddenly change my nationality, or dna. It also doesn’t change my ideology to align with facists.

                • @Olhonestjim
                  192 months ago

                  The only people who judge others for their DNA and nationality ARE nazis. You are the ONLY one who keeps bringing that irrelevant trash to the discussion. You repeatedly parrot nazi talking points. You instantly try to correct the tiniest fact about Hitler. And you keep an 88 in your username.

                  • @aidanM
                    12 months ago

                    The only people who judge others for their DNA and nationality ARE nazis.

                    If only. Unfortunately essentially every government enforces who can easily live in the plots of land they control based on DNA.

            • @Olhonestjim
              122 months ago

              Nobody cares about the color of Hitlers eyes. Why do you?

            • @Zombiepirate
              122 months ago

              Wow, you sure know a lot about the genetics of Nazis.

              • @dragontangram88
                -172 months ago

                I’m not related to any Nazis. I’m mostly Scottish, British, and Irish by blood. The last bit of my dna is a mix of Norwegian and Icelandic, or so ancestry.com. Sorry to derail your hate train there.

                • @Zombiepirate
                  132 months ago

                  Nobody asked, and nobody cares.

                  And yeah, I fuckin’ HATE Nazis. And I’m proud of that.

                  • @dragontangram88
                    -152 months ago

                    You sound very emotional. You have a lot of hate, and you’re expressing that. Perhaps you live in an area where you deal with hate groups and it’s causing you to have some unresolved anger towards them. If your current environment is causing you that much anger, you should probably look to relocate. I don’t encounter any white supremacists around me. I live in an area where people are mostly Latino. If your area isn’t causing you to experience all this hate, you should probably seek therapy to talk about it with someone.

                • @Olhonestjim
                  112 months ago

                  Blood relations have no bearing on the character of a person. It is completely irrelevant. Nobody is attacking you for that.

                  Nazis on the other hand, DO believe that blood relation matters, and you keep protesting that you’re not related to any. The problem is that you keep promoting their ideology.

                  We don’t care about your ancestry. Good, normal, healthy people don’t care about your blood.

                  • @dragontangram88
                    -122 months ago

                    I’m not promoting their ideology. I think you owe me an apology for accusing me of that.

        • @dragontangram88
          -222 months ago

          I’ve had so much hate directed towards me with regard to Nazis. I’m not even German. Both sides of my family fought in WW2 against the Germans, and I applied for the army in 2020. Please stop trying to associate me to Nazis.

          • @Zombiepirate
            2 months ago

            Then maybe stop using their talking points & rhetoric and denying that Nazis are Nazis if you don’t want to be associated with them.

            • @dragontangram88
              -202 months ago

              I’m not. I’m just saying that it hurts my feelings to have this guy be called white. There are so many mixed race white supremacists out there, and they make white people look bad. Why are we calling this guy white?

                • @dragontangram88
                  -152 months ago

                  No. I think this guy needs counseling. I think he is mixed race and having some kind of identity crisis because of it. He obviously aligned himself with a white supremacy group because he feels the need to label himself as white to everyone around him. He should take a 23 and Me, or ancestry dna test. Maybe it will help him discover the rest of his family tree and help him find a healthy social environment that is supportive of his entire racial background.