A ringleader in a global monkey torture network exposed by the BBC has been charged by US federal prosecutors.

Michael Macartney, 50, who went by the alias “Torture King”, was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute animal-crushing videos.

Mr Macartney was one of three key distributors identified by the BBC Eye team during a year-long investigation into sadistic monkey torture groups.

Two women have also been charged in the UK following the investigation.

Warning: This article contains disturbing content

Mr Macartney, a former motorcycle gang member who previously spent time in prison, ran several chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts from around the world on the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

  • @dogslayeggs
    16111 months ago

    I gotta admit, I was blissfully unaware that this was a thing. I really did not expect to read a headline like that this morning.

    What in the fucking fuck is wrong with people? This motherfucker needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars. The biggest sign of a person becoming a serial killer is their treatment of animals. I mean, he’s already been to prison, so it’s not like he has any interest in being rehabilitated in prison.

    • @[email protected]
      4311 months ago

      I agree with you but to be fair our prison system is terrible at rehabilitation. Sure it works sometimes but it’s not their main focus.

      Did you read about the prison that is denying everyone in person visits so they can charge money for phone calls and video calls? They’re getting a kick back from the companies whk run those systems. Fucking gross.

      • @assembly
        2611 months ago

        I am pretty sure that rehabilitation only happens in spite of our prison system.

        • @[email protected]
          611 months ago

          The goal of the private prisons is to get the individual to commit more crimes so they get paid more. This means they are being paid to encourage and change people to break the law, as opposed to teach them to be better

    • @ccunning
      2411 months ago

      The biggest sign of a person becoming a serial killer is their treatment of animals.

      I’m going to guess this is the second biggest sign with the first biggest sign being specifically their treatment of the animals most closely related to humans.

      Like torturing worms? Maybe 50% chance

      Torturing dogs has got to be a good 80%

      Torturing monkeys has got to be like a 99%+ chance of being a serial killer.

      Jesus Christ.

      • @assembly
        2711 months ago

        The second biggest sign is the huge ass Trump and confederate flag behind him.

      • kase
        11 months ago

        I kept reading “words” as “women”… felt real concerned for a minute there

        E: “worms.” I kept reading “worms” as “women.” It’s definitely time for bed now. ✌️

    • @EdibleFriend
      1111 months ago

      A woman who made crush videos involving kittens ended up being posted on 4chan. They did their thing. Last I heard she was never heard from again.

      4chan is a true agent of chaos but sometimes they focus their powers on the right people.

      • @Ultragigagigantic
        211 months ago

        Chaotic neutral at best. I tried 4chan a bit but hated the captchca system to post so looks like yall are stuck with me!

        • @EdibleFriend
          211 months ago

          I’ve tried it more than a few times over the years. 99% of the time it’s porn and racism. It’s a website that’s best viewed at a distance with people take screenshots of the shit that’s actually worth seeing.

          • @steeznson
            211 months ago

            Depends on the board to be honest. The papercraft and origami one is surprisingly wholesome.

            People assume all of it is like /pol/ since that is the most famous board with the highest traffic. It does leak into the other boards with the odd thread/post here and there but would say it’s not representative of the site.

    • @babypigeon
      711 months ago

      Yay for prison. And crush his balls first.

      • @Ultragigagigantic
        11 months ago

        This sounds cruel and unusual.

        Please do not forget that we are NOT him.

        Sometimes the hardest thing in life is to be a portrait of yourself, rather then a mirror reflecting the world around you.

        My paint is fading…

    • @Ultragigagigantic
      211 months ago

      Assume the worst, and maybe one day you will be presently surprised.

      One day…