• @[email protected]
      316 months ago

      It stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

      It’s essentially another way to treat minorities more fairly, so (American) conservatives want to get rid of it

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        26 months ago

        It’s essentially another way to treat minorities more fairly

        On paper.

        In practice, it’s more bureaucratic wall papering and cya, intended to obscure industry practices that continue to almost exclusively promote through nepotism and political graft.

        Access to government contracts and Senate seats and Ivy League fraternities and Wall Street bank management positions continues to be a White Boys Only club.

        • @reliv3
          186 months ago

          What flavor of MAGA kool-aid you be sipping? Let me give you some nutrition.

          Before DEI: two candidates, A and B, are equally qualified for a job. Candidate A is a straight white male. Candidate B is woman, person of color, or a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Result: Candidate A will get hired.

          With DEI: two candidates, A and B, are equally qualified for a job. Candidate A is a straight white male. Candidate B is woman, person of color, or a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Result: Candidate B might get hired.

            • @formergijoe
              206 months ago

              “Barnett said he found discarded sharp metal shavings near electrical systems for the flight controls at Boeing’s factory in South Carolina,” darn diversity metal shavings! “Barnett told the BBC that he became aware of faulty installation of the aircraft’s oxygen systems, which could deprive some breathing masks of oxygen in the event of an emergency.” Darn diverse oxygen systems! Sauce

                • @UnderpantsWeevil
                  76 months ago

                  Jesus fuck. This whole infographic begs the question: “Do you consider Italians white?”

                • @yuriy
                  56 months ago

                  This is such a stretch, and you’re only doing it so you can be a bigot.

                  When bad things happen most people will look for a cause or explanation instead of just blaming black people and women.

                  • MacN'Cheezus
                    -26 months ago

                    you’re only doing it so you can be a bigot.

                    Objection: that’s entirely unproven and merely your opinion.

                    When bad things happen most people will look for a cause or explanation instead of just blaming black people and women.

                    That’s precisely what I’m doing. And I’m not even saying that is WAS black people or women, just that it looks rather likely.

                    I mean, it IS possible that perhaps, maybe, SOMETIMES they’re at fault? Or is it always straight white men that are to blame?

                • @reliv3
                  6 months ago

                  I got you. I think you missed a part on your poster.

            • @waterSticksToMyBalls
              146 months ago

              Lmao how fucking retarded do you have to be to think that the quality problems at Boeing are a result of hiring practices? Holy fuck dude don’t forget to breathe.

              • MacN'Cheezus
                -96 months ago

                Ah yes, I’ll just call my opponent a retard, that’ll teach 'em.

            • @[email protected]
              106 months ago

              You think Boing airplanes are falling apart because of some women and black people having worked on them? I want you to know that my 9 year old niece and I are currently laughing at you.

              • MacN'Cheezus
                -66 months ago

                Okay, that’s fine, but it’s not going to change my mind.

            • @Furbag
              96 months ago

              Funny how quickly people forget.

              We didn’t forget, we just never invented this crazy fantasy in our heads in the first place.

            • @[email protected]
              96 months ago

              Incorrect. He was assassinated because he blew the whistle on management cutting corners with QA. Nothing to do with DEI hiring practices. I think you dropped this white hood…

              • MacN'Cheezus
                6 months ago

                Ah yes, that certainly is completely unrelated to management also trying to meet their DEI goals at the same time. Pure coincidence these two things happened at the same time.

                • @[email protected]
                  6 months ago

                  A million things were happening at the same time in a company of that size and complexity. So yeah until you can prove a connection (which you haven’t even attempted to do) the rational conclusion is coincidence. You’re a rational person, right?

                  • MacN'Cheezus
                    -66 months ago

                    I obviously cannot prove a direct connection, that would require actual evidence like a work log or a video of the person doing it. Since I neither work there nor with the police I am clearly not in any position to obtain such evidence. If you’re expecting such things from a forum discussion, you’re at the wrong address. You’re looking for the court room.

                    But absence of proof isn’t proof of absence either, so your insistence that these things have nothing to do with each other is just as unproven as my conjecture.

            • @raspberriesareyummy
              76 months ago

              As an aerospace engineer: ahahahahah. Not. Take your insecurities elsewhere. Preferably to a therapist, instead of externalizing your self-hatred.

              • MacN'Cheezus
                -16 months ago

                I don’t hate myself. I don’t even hate you or any of the other people giving my shit. You are merely projecting and you should probably take your own advice.

            • @reliv3
              36 months ago

              Even with DEI practices, white straight males still hold a strong majority of the upper management positions; so whenever you hear about the evils of DEI while indulging in your daily Fox News, Daily Wire, or Newsmax, remember that the buck stops with some white straight males. Hence why blaming DEI for a decrease in quality makes no logical sense.

              Most doctors are still straight white males. Most airline pilots are still straight white males. Most of the people who are making major company decisions are still straight white males.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              36 months ago

              Boeing literally had a guy murdered for blowing the whistle on rampant DEI

              DEI is when you outsource to the lowest bidder

              • MacN'Cheezus
                -66 months ago

                Correction: it’s how you SELL outsourcing to the lowest bidder.

                • @UnderpantsWeevil
                  6 months ago

                  Normally, companies don’t want to reduce labor costs. But with DEI, we can trick them into it?

                  Was the problem with McDonald Douglas also the number of PoCs on payroll?

                  • MacN'Cheezus
                    16 months ago

                    No, companies ALWAYS want to reduce labor costs, but normally we hate them for it. With DEI, we’re giving them a way they can make it socially acceptable.

          • MacN'Cheezus
            6 months ago

            Ah yes, brilliant argument. You have completely convinced me of the error of my ways. /s

            • @[email protected]
              116 months ago

              No one can convince you of anything. You’re clearly set in your opinion, which is 100% incorrect. Your ability to parse new information is already shut down by your stubborn attachment to the narrative that white people are being oppressed.

              • @waterSticksToMyBalls
                46 months ago

                Here’s hundreds of examples of rot coming from the top down in Boeing bc executives prioritized making number go up above everything else.

                The do your own research crowd: are we sure minorities aren’t to blame?!?!

            • @[email protected]
              56 months ago

              You haven’t made a rational argument so why are you whining when you don’t get rational answers? Make an argument backed by actual evidence.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          I taught engineering courses for 10 years and have worked in the field longer than that, and I can assure you there is rarely a such thing as a “most competent person for the job.” Especially once you get to the highest levels of performance.

          I can also assure you that teams which are allowed to stay familiar and homogeneous (eg, a bunch of bros who live together) and are never pushed to include diversity of experience and background rarely achieve anything notable compared to teams who are pushed beyond their cultural comfort zones. Anecdotally, the effect could not be more clear, and there’s plenty of peer reviewed literature documenting this.

          Tl;Dr - mechanical diversity has intrinsic value. Read a book

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          6 months ago

          on steroids

          HR: “Hey, just for our records, are you a minority?”

          Me: “I’m 1/64th Cherokee”

          HR: “Close enough!”

          Corporate PR Department: “We are a Majority First Nations run business.”

    • @chiliedogg
      26 months ago

      Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Conservatives have been going hard after diversity programs. They’ve been banned in state educational institutions in Texas.

      I ended up adding a whole section in my course syllabus that’s basically a middle finger to the new rules and makes is clear that intolerance is not welcome in my class.

    • MacN'Cheezus
      -256 months ago

      It’s another thing they’ll tell you isn’t happening at all but if it is then it’s a good thing, and if you don’t like it, you’re racist.

          • @yuriy
            46 months ago

            Racist isn’t an insult, it’s an applicable qualifier. You don’t call someone a racist just because you don’t like them. Equating it to name calling makes it look like you don’t even know what the word means.