When society falls, the great femboy regime will rise from its ashes. All children will take puberty blockers. We will teach you to love your neighbor through the shared trauma of forced feminization. We will know peace in our time 😌

(If anyone is mad at me, please know that ARF ARF BARK ARRROOOOOOOO AROOOO ฅ⁠⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠⁠ฅ I’m just a dumb puppy. I’m committing to bits beyond your comprehension✨ I mean UwU)

  • @Clent
    311 months ago

    No. There are no “high empathy” billionaires. There are most certainly still people diagnosied with sociopathy.

    I don’t know why you feel the need to make such baseless arguments, blaming it on my reading comprehension is doesn’t seem to fit. I’m reading you fine, I’m simply calling bullshit.

    • L/nerd
      11 months ago

      Solving our mental health problem won’t prevent billionaires from existing.

      Didn’t say it would. I have no idea where you pulled this from.

      Making excuses for billionaires isn’t a mental health issue, it’s an intelligence issue.

      I alsi wasn’t giving any slack to billionaires. I also have no idea where you pulled this from.

      Both of the above statements from you imply you either didn’t read my comment or understand what it said, primarily because they feel like arguments intended for an entirely different comment. Please tell me how I can best rephrase it if I communicated my ideas unclearly at all.

      Also, please refer me to the part of the DSM-5 where it lists “sociopath” as a possible diagnosis.