• Optional
    -26 months ago

    Hey, who wants to get into a shooting war with russia? Let’s see . . . nobody aaaaaand the republiQans.

    I mean, that’s a fucked up way to do it, but the absolute crotch-grabbing incompetence of trump might actually end up getting russia to fuck off from Ukraine. Costing trillions and American service personnel lives of course.

    Imagine that demented rapist getting ragged on constantly for being Putin’s bitch until he just has to send in troops. Yay! It’s like the Iraq wars but instead of having no idea why we’re fighting or it being “oil”, the unilateral military action serves some kind of useful purpose! Admittedly insanely expensive, tragic, and totally avoidable. Huh.

    Hey, you trump people are dumb as rocks but apparently rocks can be used to hit russian invaders. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Something something elections something consequences