President Joe Biden named Donald Trump as the “primary threat” to “freedom and democracy” in the United States.

  • TrickDacy
    1 year ago

    People who ignore everything they don’t care about in order to pretend others are extremists… Both sadden and amuse me. You’re setting the bar so low for what discourse is that it’s pathetic.

    Anyone who thinks avoiding Trump is the most important thing in American politics? Yes we all simply love genocide. It makes us so happy.

    When your moronic antics reelect Trump, he definitely will defy his promises and end all present and future genocides though

    You can’t see the basic logic of how the elections work in America and that is your issue, not mine. Go ahead and campaign for trump. It’s truly sad when it’s a toss up between “this person is lying in order to get trump elected” and “this person is a fucking moron who actually thinks that a third party would ever ever even get close to a win in America”