• @mlg
    -2711 months ago

    votes third party

      • @jo3jo3
        -2311 months ago

        No it isn’t

        • Ghostalmedia
          1911 months ago

          I believe you if you’re logging in from the multiverse instance where West polls at over 40%, or the one where federal rank choice voting exists.

          • @jo3jo3
            -411 months ago

            Don’t have to believe me, you already made yourself sound like an idiot with that claim, my vote is for the person I voted for, nobody else.

          • @blazera
            -611 months ago

            Do you want ranked choice voting?

            • Ghostalmedia
              911 months ago

              I have it in my area for city / county seats. And I voted for it.

              • @blazera
                -711 months ago

                You specified federal. Thats available to vote for too you know

                • Ghostalmedia
                  811 months ago

                  Yes. I like ranked choice, I have voted in favor of it in the past, and I would be in support of it for more elections. Including federal elections.

                  • @blazera
                    -411 months ago

                    awesome. Jill Stein has ranked choice as part of her platform.

      • @WraithGear
        -2411 months ago

        Nope. And either way these posts are really good at making protest voters

        • @[email protected]
          1911 months ago

          Nah, anyone who protest votes is doing it because they’re an immature asshole. We can convert some people on the fringe to sense but a lot of people can’t handle the fact that it’s imperative that they put their name next to the less bad of two people.

          Just to remind you, Trump will institute a national abortion ban - voting for Biden will directly save hundreds of women’s lives… it’s the absolute easiest action to avert unnecessary deaths you’ll ever have in your lifetime.

          If you can’t do this, you can’t do fucking anything.

          • @WraithGear
            -1611 months ago

            All these posts blaming protest voters and those who don’t vote are all generated because of the bad numbers from the primaries right? And the over all loss in confidence in Biden due to his willful protection of isreal right?

            Just got to remind people that they don’t really have a choice when the real voting happens. I think if you wanted to reach these voters these posts would be more detrimental then helpful.

            What would help is if Biden stopped doing the hated things.

            Or is this just a circle jerk reddit thing?

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              I think I was pretty fucking clear. I’m posting because it will save lives. Imagine how difficult it is to pull someone from a burning car, now imagine how difficult it would be to fill in the bubble next to Biden on a ballot - both actions will save lives.

              So why is it so fucking difficult to fill in that bubble?

              • @PopOfAfrica
                -711 months ago

                I don’t know the inverse to that is also true. Joe Biden could throw progressive some more bones if it meant saving women’s lives.

                It’s bizarre to me that the onus is on us and not the candidate running for office to convince us.

              • @WraithGear
                -811 months ago

                No you are not. This isn’t some revelation. That people just didn’t know that fracturing the Democratic parties vote hurts their chances against the republicans. You are making this post for selfish reasons.

                Like i said, demonizing people who find it hard to vote for someone protecting a genocide is for your own self gratification. Its not to change minds, its not to help Biden beat trump. Its solely to start a circle jerk to validate your decision to vote blue no matter who, and to quiet that little voice about how bad of a candidate he is

                You are doing no one any favors

                • @jumjummy
                  911 months ago

                  I love how all these people who are suddenly vocal about the terrible situation in Gaza fall short of realizing that getting Trump in office would be catastrophically worse. With that logic, the only practical option is to vote for Biden in the general. A 3rd party vote is just throwing your vote away.

                  The only conclusion I see here is these people are either disinformation agents, naive fools, or both.

                • @Wrench
                  411 months ago

                  The idea isn’t to convert you. The idea is to help others see your arguments for what they are and not fall down the same nihilistic trap.

                  • @[email protected]
                    311 months ago

                    Also note that they ignore the Ukranian genocide out of habit. Bc it doesnt please daddy vlad to have it acknowledged.

              • @blazera
                -911 months ago

                All those lives in Gaza saved.

                • @[email protected]
                  911 months ago

                  It fucking sucks and I strongly support the uncommitted movement and putting all the pressure we can on him about Gaza (see my post history if you want). Trump is going to be as bad or worse on Gaza, it fucking sucks but there isn’t a way you can vote to fix Gaza.

                  • @blazera
                    -711 months ago

                    Sure there is, elect someone other than Biden or Trump. Trumps gonna win because picking a viable candidate to run against trump keeps getting shot down

                • @[email protected]
                  911 months ago

                  Donald said “Israel should finish the job.” IDK how much more directly one can reference “Final Solution.” Sure, he will save the Palestinians.

                  • @blazera
                    -411 months ago

                    Okay. What does that have to do with Gaza already being obliterated? The killing already happened.

                • @madeinthebackseat
                  911 months ago

                  And you somehow think voting for Trump, or giving him an advantage, will help in Gaza?

                  He will put zero pressure on Netanyahu. He’ll likely openly support the effort and say something like “the Palestinians are just like the illegals crossing our border.”

                  Voting isn’t picking someone you like, voting is choosing the person with the best chance of winning and creating policies aligned with your values and ideals. If you vote for somebody with zero chance of winning, you’re giving an advantage to the candidate who undermines your values being implemented in the long term.

                  If we had ranked choice voting, or if the alternative candidate wasn’t openly threatening democracy, the rationale would be very different.

                  The smart people tried to explain to the voters that Brexit would be an enormous failure, but the voters let their emotions get in the way of being rational, and now they’re suffering and wished they had voted differently.

                  We have the potential for something much worse with Trump. Much worse. If you can’t see through your emotions to understand that if Trump is elected your vote may never matter again, I’m not sure you have the rationale capacity to be worth the time I spent typing this response.

                  • @blazera
                    -511 months ago

                    Help? You cant save a corpse. The hostage is dead, youve got no leverage anymore.

        • @Leviathan
          1011 months ago

          That’s what they said the last election and voter turnout was nuts.

          • @WraithGear
            -1211 months ago

            The blaming of the protest voters shamed them into voting for Biden? Yea i doubt that.

            Though right now the situation is different. Biden has done some things that make voters balk. Maybe he should stop doing that. It might help more then making circle jerk posts on Lemmy

            • @Leviathan
              1011 months ago

              This has nothing to do with blame. It’s mathematics. You can either add to the resistance against Trump or not.

              • @WraithGear
                -211 months ago

                You say that like this math factors into any part of why people are protest voting. They know this already and this gives nothing to the conversation. Instead, your best bet is to find out what they want and maybe go over a plan that gets them what they need. Sure as shit attempting to shame people with your basic math will only accomplish in widening the divide and pushing contrariness.

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        Ironically, in that episode, voting third party was best because both candidates were monsters.

        Today one is a monster and the other is the not a monster but still mostly represents monsters, but some people too.

        • @samus12345
          511 months ago

          Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          I took some time to look at who the 2020 Biden voter are who are considering not voting for him.

          While there are a growing number of such groups, one of the biggest is Muslims. They get that Trump is a racist and hates Muslims. They’re also currently watching Biden going out of his way to support Israel in their genocide. To them, Biden doesn’t just represent monsters, he is a monster. They’re logic is essentially, “We’re fucked either way. Let’s get rid of the monster in front of us and then we’ll worry about the next monster.”

          It doesn’t matter if you or I agree with that. They’re not asking for permission to feel that way. If the Democratic leadership doesn’t address those concerns with significantly more empathy than, “don’t be stupid”, the likely outcome is that Biden will miss out on many of those votes.

          Unfortunately Biden has been racking up voter groups that feel betrayed by him. My preference would have been for Biden to find some other Democratic candidate, retire gracefully and strongly back the new candidate.

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            He even said during 2020 that he wanted to be a one term president, that he was only there to beat trump.

            I guess you can argue he still needs to beat trump.

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              I’m all for someone trying to beat Trump.

              It’s looking less and less like Biden will be able to pull that off.

            • @Cryophilia
              111 months ago

              He even said during 2020 that he wanted to be a one term president

              He literally never said that. This is pure propaganda.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                “If Biden is elected, he’s going to be 82 years old in four years and he won’t be running for reelection,” a prominent adviser to the campaign told Politico.


                I guess the words didn’t come from his mouth in particular but when your a politician, your staff are your representatives, and his said it.

                Can’t believe people would call our verifiable facts as propaganda so confidently with nothing to back it up…

                • @Cryophilia
                  011 months ago

                  Like I said,

                  He literally never said that

                  One fucking advisor to the campaign said it. Not even his official staff. An advisor.

                  “Verifiable facts”, my ass. It’s propaganda and you just repeated it without ever looking into it.

                  • @[email protected]
                    111 months ago

                    Well someone on his team said it, someone that Biden chose to be on his team.

                    When I go to the bank, what the representative says is basically the same as the bank telling me that info.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              From what i recall, he was undecided. The media and others were projecting and suggesting that he should be a 1-term president. —Honestly, his vagueness about policy and his advocacy for nothing but the status-quo are primarily what led me to vote Green for the last presidential election.

          • @Cryophilia
            211 months ago

            It doesn’t matter if you or I agree with that.

            I’d argue it matters a lot.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              What’s the argument that it does?

              Do you think that this disagreement is likely to change anyone’s mind?

              Take a fairly famous example. Bassem Youssef has very publicly embraced the sentiment I’m describing. How does your agreement or disagreement have any impact at all?

              I’d argue that it will only have an impact if you choose an action that’s likely to induce change. He very clearly says that he considers the threats that “If you don’t vote for Biden you’re voting for Trump,” messages to be a form of blackmail.

              He finds it unconvincing so it fails to work on him. As near as I can tell, his attitude is fairly representative of a significant number of voters.

              • @Cryophilia
                111 months ago

                How does your agreement or disagreement have any impact at all?

                This is a democracy. Potential voters are being influenced right now by the discussions we’re having.

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  I should clarify then.

                  There is currently some percentage of people who plan to vote for Biden, some that plan to vote for Trump and some who are undecided.

                  Most polling shows that, if there was an election today, Biden would lose pretty badly.

                  If you simply agree or disagree, is that likely to change anyone’s planned voting behavior? If you continue to insult the people who do not currently plan to vote for Biden, do you think that will change their minds?

                  • @Cryophilia
                    111 months ago

                    If you continue to insult the people who do not currently plan to vote for Biden, do you think that will change their minds?

                    Yes. People who plan to protest vote are stupid and should feel stupid. We should be peer pressuring the fuck out of them.

      • @ripcord
        211 months ago

        It doesn’t. They didn’t read it.