• gimpchrist
    106 months ago

    I’m not sure where I ever got the notion but I thought it was illegal for the whole world to do any War stuff in space

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      It is illegal, and for a good reason: to prevent an arms race. I really hope they are just talking and nothing will come out of this.

        • @antidote101
          6 months ago

          I don’t think WW3 is happening soon, there’s no incentive or claim pivotal enough to cause a war of that scale.

          China invading Taiwan wouldn’t cause WW3.

          Did you know Mao used to be part of the same Chinese Nationalist party that fled to Taiwan? They were called the Koumintang (KMT).

          The KMT started out demanding democracy when China was still an imperial state at the end of the Qing Dynasty. The KMT brought about that end. It then later split into the CCP and KMT, and there was a two part civil war (that started with a massacre of communists known as the Shanghai Massacre and) that overlapped with WW2.

          The CCP eventually won the Civil War, and the KMT fled to Taiwan, but they’d become militarized, and so they’d forgotten they were pro-democracy.

          The KMT set up a military government which ruled Taiwan for 40+ years, persecuting native Taiwanese people (particularly if they spoke Taiwanese), and anyone who was an activist for Democracy, or Communism.

          It was only in the late 1980s and early 90s Taiwan stopped being called The Republic of China, and democracy was implemented.

          … what’s more the KMT, that persecuted, abducted, and tortured people they didn’t like in a long standing anti-democracy millitary regime (which ruled for 35+ years), are still allowed to have a political party in Taiwan?

          It’s like if US confederate leaders fled to Hawaii, renamed it “The Confederate United States of America”, and had a dictatorship for 40 years… To the extent that they even kept the flag, symbols and party name when democracy eventually stopped them killing and torturing activities and opposition members.

          The US mainland would have every right to feel held back, and frustrated by such events. Even more so if it was obvious China and other world powers were openly helping the Confederate United States.

          The least Taiwan should do, is abolish the KMT and renounce ever having been “China”. They should have a sense of unrest, shame, and discomfort around that period of their nation, but also see it as part of the birth of their democracy.

          Instead the KMT are still called “The Chinese Nationalist Party” in the official English language version of their name.

          It’s ridiculous, and no Westerner should die for it, let alone start a war over it.

          So anyways, that’s the last century of Chinese history summarised.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      War is a state of conflict that does not take place under a higher authority.

      War is a legal battle in the jurisdiction of Physics.

      The legality of military operations in space is determine in trial by combat.

      • gimpchrist
        06 months ago

        … war is a bunch of people killing each other, man. It’s not that deep… and people shouldn’t be allowed to kill people from or in space without severe consequences.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          If it’s not that deep, why does it happen? Is it because everyone involved is somehow unable to see the simple thing you just pointed out?

          • gimpchrist
            16 months ago

            It’s not that they don’t see it it’s just that they don’t give enough of a fuck to easily prevent it

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              What do you mean by “easily prevent it”? Couldn’t the majority of people, who don’t want to die in the war, simply not fight the war? What would make that into something hard to do?