Discord👏Is👏Not👏A👏Replacement👏For👏 Websites

  • @someacnt_
    111 months ago

    Is it wrong to seek for online friends in discord?

    • @doublejay1999
      211 months ago

      I think you just need to know what you are getting into.

      It’s a private company, it’s closed to sourced, they capture and monetise your data.

      For people who value transparency and privacy, there are better options. This emulator project, should have known better than to use is.

      aaalll of that being said, it’s very popular and if you are not concerned by any of the points raised in this who threads, it’s a good place to meet people to chat about Warcraft or whatever your thing is.

      Just be aware that any thing your write, effectively belongs to them forever.

      • @someacnt_
        111 months ago

        Yeah, tbh I am only using it because lots of people do not want to get off discord.