I’m thinking I would go with either, “swing it, baby” or “right on, sister!”

So, like-

“Mr. Nartik, set course for Tau Alpha III. Warp six.”

“Course laid in, sir.”

“Right on, sister!”

This would be the 23rd or 24th century gender-neutral form of the word sister, obviously.

  • @model_tar_gz
    6 months ago

    A primal scream that is utterly unwriteable; would only be described as:

    “Into the abyss of agony, a guttural roar echoes, tearing through the very fabric of existence. A primal cry, born of anguish and despair, reverberates across the vast expanse, a tempest of raw emotion unleashed upon the world. The air quivers with the force of it, as if the universe itself recoils in awe at the sheer intensity of the soul-shattering sound.”

    “Oh yeah, that’s our Captain Targz. He’s kinda weird but he gets shit done. But we like working with him. You get used to the roar; I mean yeah who wouldn’t want Admiral Picard’s ‘Engage’ but whatever. Go means go.”