I have watched a lot of the studio Ghibli stuff but not sure what series to start on, looking for recommendations

  • @RightHandOfIkaros
    411 months ago

    Definitely do NOT recommend Perfect Blue right out the gate for someone that only saw a few Ghibli films.

    Its a great movie, and one that has a lot of cultural significance, but it is not a good pick for a first timer. It has some scenes that are intentionally extremely uncomfortable, and has a lot of cuts that can be hard to follow even for seasoned anime/film viewers.

    This is kinda like recommending someone play Postal when someone asks what video games they should try if theyre starting out. While exaggerated a bit, it might be better to start them off with Mario instead.

    • @Breezy
      111 months ago

      You must not have finished readding his comment, in the last paragraph dude is recommending hentia with good action and story.