In the article I was reading about it, out of their millions of vids, they only had 118, compared to FB’s in-house number of 58,000. It’s hard to notice under vast amounts of legal content. I will also say it’s likely that these were vids of teens not actual children, making it easier to slip by
Wow. I never heard about that.
Thanks for the heads up.
And how the fuck did they survive it if they hosted child SA videos until people made a public stink about it? Jesus fuckin christ.
In the article I was reading about it, out of their millions of vids, they only had 118, compared to FB’s in-house number of 58,000. It’s hard to notice under vast amounts of legal content. I will also say it’s likely that these were vids of teens not actual children, making it easier to slip by
I was wrong it’s wayyyyyy worse than 58,000 it’s 84 mil