• A Seattle basic income pilot gave low-income residents $500 a month, nearly doubling employment rates.
  • Some participants reported getting new housing, while others saw their employment incomes rise.
  • Basic income pilots nationwide have seen noteworthy success, despite conservative opposition.
  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    18010 months ago

    The 10,000th study to show the same result. Probably need to do a hundred thousand more.

    • Diplomjodler
      5110 months ago

      bUt jUsT giViNg pEopLe mOnEy WiLL mAkE ThEm LazY!!!

    • kora
      3910 months ago

      It would be good to know how this works on a larger scale. Like, everyone in a city or county having UBI and watching to see what society and the local economy as a whole does in response.

      • @Gradually_Adjusting
        6910 months ago

        It would be wise to test it everywhere. Just on a trial basis…Indefinitely.

        • kora
          810 months ago

          Sure. Until landlords realize they can raise their rent without losing tenants. Or insurance companies. Or grocery distributors. I doubt this works without other laws and policies needing to go into effect beforehand.

          • @Viking_Hippie
            2610 months ago

            That’s why UBI needs to be combined with common sense price ceilings. When you do that, it WILL work as intended.

            I doubt this works without other laws and policies needing to go into effect beforehand

            Or just simultaneously. Here’s a snazzy name I had an LLM come up with for the bill name:

            FAIR-CARE: Fair Allocation of Income Resources - Common-sense Affordable Regulation for Everyone

          • @Maggoty
            1010 months ago

            Sounds like we need to break some monopolies.

          • @jj4211
            310 months ago

            These are the unanswered questions. This example is 102 people out of an overall city population of 750,000. The biggest question about UBI has been “so what happens if you try to scale it to a significant portion of the population”, but no one has dared really try.

      • @Rakonat
        1410 months ago

        Look at the stimulus checks and how they measurable gains up and down the economy and living conditions.

        • kora
          -1410 months ago

          And measure that was temporary from the very beginning, yet still resulted in contributing to increases in the cost of living everywhere.

      • @Maggoty
        610 months ago

        Check out Kenya, they have the largest and longest running experiment.