Bonus pic of my nail polish:

  • @[email protected]
    211 months ago

    Huh. I have not been grinding, maybe that’s the problem. Lots of good hints overall, I need to sit down with your post in the evening and try doing it exactly as you said. Maybe from there on I’ll find my own way :) I’m a lightweight too, smoking maybe once or twice a month

    Thank you for the write-up!

    • @CrayonRosary
      311 months ago

      Yeah, grinding is super important. You need lots of surface area for the air to heat it up.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Reporting from the battlefield, the grinding made the vapor thicker than I’ve ever seen from this device. Amazing, thank you for the tip sen-pai.

        As for the effect, I’m definitely stoned but not uplifted. We’ll see how it goes as time passes, maybe it will take some time for the full effect to work.