• @Olgratin_Magmatoe
    10 months ago

    I guess you never heard about a savings account or corporate greed, must be nice to be that privileged.

      • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
        110 months ago

        If you believe that a savings account outpace inflation I don’t know how to help you.

        Mine does, at least, actual inflation.

        The fake inflation that is just corporate greed is something that can never be outpaced by anything, not even housing as an investment which just makes your point double moot.

        The solution is to put an end to the current economic system. It’s not serving me or you. It’s just stealing from us:


          • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
            010 months ago

            the system is stealing from you, but through monetary debasement

            This is only one of the many ways in which the rich steal from us. Believe me, I fucking get that part.

              • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
                210 months ago

                Will do. You should look more into non market housing and co-ops though.

              • @orrk
                110 months ago

                And why does monetary debasement happen? you use it like it’s just something some evil person did to harm you. when in reality it’s a necessity to counteract wealth hoarding.

                The Libertarian fever dream of a society without inflation, or straight up wealth taxation can only lead to the creating of a new aristocratic dictatorship, because eventually a small group of people would own everything, literally recreating feudalism.

                  • @orrk
                    110 months ago

                    they have no bargaining power with their employer.

                    now that is entirely your fault for not being part of a union, the magic thing that actually got the working man everything he has, literally. and no, inflation hits the wealthy the hardest because they have more actual savings, it affects you heavily because you are a good little drone and drank the liberal coolaid.

                    what is the alternative in a world where people can amass money without anything reducing the real value of said wealth? Entire cities owned by one person?