

I can’t believe a paid OS needs a tool like this. Here’s a GUI tool called OFGB (Oh Frick Go Back) to remove all the ads in Windows 11. It’s understandable if a free OS or app needs ad support, but this is just crazy

[Screenshot Of a GUI Tool To Removes Ads From Various Places Around Windows 11]

  • TimeSquirrel
    10 months ago

    Conditioning everyone to see their computers as media consumption kiosks instead of the powerful, productive machines they are. That’s where MS OSes are headed. They tried too early with Windows 8 Metro, but they haven’t lost sight of that concept.

    “My TV shows ads so it’s only natural my computer does too.” - I bet a lot of people already think like this.

    • @db2
      8710 months ago

      Pretty soon it’ll want to use your idle cpu net and disk for undisclosed purposes as part of the EULA.

      • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
        5310 months ago

        The Telemetry collection service does a good job of that already, especially on laptops where it wakes them from sleep, and eats through the battery while idle in a backpack. I’ve been stung by this many times since Windows 8 - I now unplug then hibernate my last remaining Windows laptop, work-issued.

        Also moved as much personal gear as possible over to various Linux distros a while ago, except my PC where some games cannot detect my sim peripherals & freetrack emulation under WINE

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Pretty insightful, and quite possible as people are being trained on the “app experience” vs computing proper.