• MamboGator
      -1527 days ago

      Aw, the gamer is upset I forced some introspection into their life.

      But no, I’m sorry. You’re totally a noble warrior who fought back the evil Sony and now must remain ever vigilant lest Kazuo Hirai leap from the shadows and scream “Riiiiidge Racer” at you and take away your toys while Gabe Newell gives you your money back and sheepishly shrugs like “I know, right? This guy, man.”

      • @[email protected]
        1227 days ago

        This is such a weird thing to be upset over, and a weird side to take so passionately that you do.

        I don’t even play Helldivers, nor do I plan to after this, it’s just on the one side there’s random upset people, on the other side there is the corp that got infamous for distributing straight up malware in a weird effort to enforce DRM. Why would people go back to being happy with a company that tried to fuck them over, and then walked its position back to the status quo with no commitments of not trying this again later.

        • MamboGator
          27 days ago

          The “random upset people” on the former side were perfectly happy to give their money to the “corp” on the latter side before the TOS change. This has nothing to do with how untrustworthy Sony has been in the past and everything to do with upset Gamers wanting to keep their outrage party going even after they got what they wanted.

          • @[email protected]
            1227 days ago

            The problem is who can you give money to for entertainment if not to the same 3 corps who have bought everything, and how else can you protest them doing stuff that’s outrageous even by their standards?

              • @[email protected]
                127 days ago

                The fuck clowns are buying up our culture. It’s hard to not participate in it. I don’t play these kinds of games, but I’ve nothing on people who do. We should beat up the fuck clowns until they serve society again.

                And just to be clear, I am advocating violence in the form of stringent regulations binding corporations towards socially beneficial paths. I advocate for violent anti-trust measures to the point even the execs don’t know who is still working for them and who has been broken off to another company to compete freely. And I want worker protections that cause mind-bending fear in wage thieves.

                • @RightHandOfIkaros
                  127 days ago

                  How about we just not advocate violence at all? Regulations can be helpful but also the government needs to make sure it is not creating unconstitutional laws that violate people’s rights, and that includes their right to make bad choices. Otherwise the law will end up more authoritarian than free.

                  • @[email protected]
                    126 days ago

                    Sorry, I went too deep into sarcasm in there. I wasn’t advocating for violence, just laws protecting society and people that are strong enough to deter corps from breaking them.

      • @RightHandOfIkaros
        127 days ago

        I didn’t have anything to do with this and never got involved. I watched from the sides. I don’t even play or own Helldivers 2.