• @[email protected]
    1326 days ago

    Just your opinion. I thought it was a great summary and relevant message with the recent protests, plus the very public message that he’s not voting for Biden over this. If anything I’d call it a bit cheesy, but definitely not edgy. But Macklemore is a little cheesy so it works.

    • @kofe
      2126 days ago

      Not voting for Biden when the only other viable option is a fascist seems a bit like edge lord bullshit to me, but idk, maybe I’m out of touch with slang

        • @Eldritch
          026 days ago

          Oh hey grad. It’s the ban evading troll.

          • @[email protected]
            326 days ago

            Am I … trolling, or am I contributing to the conversation in ways that you personally disagree with. Hmmm.

            • @Eldritch
              226 days ago

              This you?

              Oh the fucking centrists have shown up 🥱

              There’s nothing there to really agree or disagree with lemmygrad. It’s just juvenile name calling.

              • @[email protected]
                26 days ago

                “Fucking centrists” isn’t name-calling, it’s an extremely appropriate labeling of the ideology, spoken with disdain.

                And you literally called me “grad”? Which like, is it so hard to believe that leftists just exist and aren’t in these random instances you’ve decided to hate? And even if I was, why would that matter? Like idk much about lemmygrad except apparently there are leftists there and people hate them. It’s not insulting just confusing for me and embarrassing for you.

                • @Eldritch
                  226 days ago

                  “Fucking centrists” isn’t name-calling

                  It’s literally the definition of name calling grad.

                  And you literally called me “grad”?

                  Glass houses grad. Glass houses. You come in throwing stones you don’t get to whine and pretend to be the victim when someone responds. This is literally what you did last time grad. And is the whole reason I call you grad, grad.

                  Which like, is it so hard to believe that leftists just exist and aren’t in these random instances you’ve decided to hate?

                  No not at all. But you only confirm it’s what you are by being so upset about it grad. And for the record I don’t hate them. I absolutely dislike them. They aren’t leftists in any meaningful sense. They are authoritarians. And would destroy the lives of or slaughter those that disagree with them as happily as any capitalist would.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -126 days ago

                    Is “centrist” insulting to you? Why do you align yourself with politics whose very basic descriptor draws out this much vitriol?

                    Again, I’m not insulted by you calling me grad because I don’t really know much about it and only hear about it from pissed off conservative Dems/centrists. Anything they hate is bound to be kinda good lol. What I feel is more like the bemusement/pain you feel watching Michael Scott.

                • @[email protected]
                  25 days ago

                  The online left is all sockpuppets and indoctrinated children, they should be ignored. But they’re also the critical votes that cause Democrats to lose elections. But we should under no circumstances try to do anything to please them, that would be worse than losing.

      • @[email protected]
        -526 days ago

        Supporting a genocide massively unpopular with your voters when your opponent is a fascist seems a bit like establishment entitlement bullshit to me, but idk, maybe I’m out of touch with slang.

        Biden knows what he needs to do to salvage his election, but the whole ideology behind this stubbornness and heavy police crackdown on protests is based on the fury Important People feel when they’re told to do something by their inferiors.

        Also Macklemore lives in Seattle, so it doesn’t matter who he votes for.

        • @RandomGuy79
          1126 days ago

          Imma laugh when all these Never Biden goofs elect Trump again and cry when he actually Does crack down

          • @[email protected]
            26 days ago

            Liberals: leftist Lenny instances are simultaneously so strong they determine the outcome of a national election yet so weak that they are fringe ideologies and nobody in real life thinks like that

            Really not a good look when you continue to align more and more with fascists, as liberals always do when faced with fascism

            • @Eldritch
              826 days ago

              No no. It can’t be that fascists have solidarity and a good chance to win. Or that reasonable people are rightfully worried. Everyone you disagree with, or who calls you out for being self sabotaging, is a “dumb liberal”. Very mature.

              • @[email protected]
                -126 days ago

                The poster didn’t say the phrase “dumb liberal”, they said that liberals are siding with fascists which they absolutely are with their unwavering support for our president funding a genocide and repeating the lies that campus protests are anti-Semitic.

              • @[email protected]
                -426 days ago

                Reasonable people are worried and make a plea to “please think of the women who will need abortions”. Or better yet, are out organizing with empathy. But zero votes will be gained by castigating people online, especially on a topic where Biden is well outside of the Democratic mainstream.

                Fascist-aligning liberals, like the account above, don’t really care about results just that the people they dislike will get hurt. He’s absolutely giddy at the idea that the (at worst, immature and misguided) lefties will get more jackboots when Trump wins. He was probably watching the BLM crackdowns with glee too. They have a lot in common with groups like the Proud Boys for whom politics is more about seeing power exerted on the people who annoy them than any real policies.

                This account joined Lemmy 10 hours ago to call the youth brainwashed and rejoice that Trump will make the cops even more violent. Why are you defending them?

                • @Eldritch
                  526 days ago

                  Reasonable people are worried and make a plea to “please think of the women who will need abortions”. Or better yet, are out organizing with empathy

                  Nice straw man. What does it have to do with absolutely anything? That doesn’t contradicted for an age anything I said.

                  Fascist-aligning liberals, like the account above, don’t really care about results just that the people they dislike will get hurt.

                  The exact same thing can be said for those who are pushing for perfect over the best of what we’ve got. Nothing I said was an endorsement of the person above the person I replied to. Your reading that in yourself. I’ll check on what you said. I don’t think I upvoted or down voted them either way. But if it checks out I will definitely make sure it gets it down vote.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -526 days ago

                    Maybe leave the tone policing to when they aren’t correctly calling a spade a spade? They were responding to a comment directly demonstrating a fascist-aligning liberal. You didn’t need to dig into their history to scope them out, the source post was directly saying the exact same thing the fascists say: “I can’t wait until Trump’s cops give the lefty malcontents something to really cry about”.