Affected devs:

  • Arkane Austin (closed)
  • Tango Gameworks (closed)
  • Alpha Dog Studios (closed)
  • Roundhouse Games (absorbed into ZeniMax Online Studios)

These changes are grounded in prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games and beloved worlds which you have nurtured over many decades.

  • Stern
    5110 months ago

    Arkane- I mean, yeah Redfall was a clunker but Dishonored, Deathloop, and Prey all did pretty well I thought… though I suppose the two Wolfenstein games they did were kinda trash so there is a bit of falloff between the “glory days” and now.

    Tango- Hi-Fi Rush was a bop, and Ghostwire did well enough I thought. Not seeing a good reason here.

    Alpha Dog - Mighty Doom? Okay thats a fair closure.

    prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games

    Chasing blockbusters is gonna fuck them up but I suppose more room in the lower weight classes isn’t bad for gamers since it lets indies and others who aren’t the big boys shine, and lord knows thats been wild over the past year’ish.

    • Hildegarde
      2810 months ago

      Arcane austin was already killed by the development of redfall. Most of the talent responsible for making dishonered and prey the games they were left during development of redfall. If arcane austin went back to making immersive sims instead of closing, it would be a new team making it, with little help from the pedegree implied by arcane’s legacy.

      Keep in mind however that arcane was two studios, the main studio in lyon france, and the other in austin texas. Dishonered was developed jointly. Dishonored 2 was lyon, pray was austin, and deathloop was lyon.

      The lyon studio still exists. They are continuing to make games. The only thing announced from arcane is the marvel’s blade game. Not optimistic, but arcane may still be around a while yet.

    • Carighan Maconar
      1810 months ago

      but Dishonored, Deathloop, and Prey all did pretty well I thought

      I thought Arkane Austin (the closed one) was only Prey of those. Which is a shame, because Prey was utterly fantastic.

      • VaultBoyNewVegas
        -210 months ago

        It is. Lots of “gamers” can’t be fucked learning the difference between Austin and arkane, it’s like how there’s people who think bioware Montreal is the same as Edmonton or rockstar north is the same as san Diego when north makes GTA and the other red dead. Generally gamers don’t care what studio does what just the first part of its name. Arkane Lyon are developing blade and that’s still in progress.

    • Lath
      510 months ago

      Depending on who you ask, Deathloop was also a flop.