I want to see this community grow so I want to start creating some content here. What’s everyone’s favorite vape here? Could be model specific or vague like portable, conduction, analog, etc… Preach your favorite way to vaporize!

  • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
    25 days ago

    I am using my firewood 9 almost exclusively right now. Love that thing. It vapes really well, and it has this great cherry wood smell to it too. Fuck, I might have to go have another bowl thinking about that cherry.

    It’s really easy to use and incredibly simple to clean. I got my temperatures programmed in (it only took a few clicks, explained in the manual) and now really don’t have to think that much about medicating. It makes it pleasant.

    • @[email protected]OP
      224 days ago

      We had a wood burning stove as a kid and our neighbor had a cherry tree go down. I will never forget busting cherry wood, god it smells so good.