Just like with the semi-finals, this is the live thread for the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.
As there is (to my knowledge), no Lemmy equivalent to https://reddit-stream.com/, the best alternative is refreshing the website about once after each song. This should still be okay for now as this community is relatively small.
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Thanks to @[email protected], there are some links for the Grand Finale:
The Grand Finale Livestream on YouTube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ckGRHJ-J9G4
National broadcasts:
- German broadcast: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/eurovision-song-contest/am-11-05-esc-2024-der-finalabend-live-aus-malmoe/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL25kci5kZS80NmVjOWQ0Yi03ZTJkLTQ2N2UtOGJjNy03NzUzMDdmOWUwMWE
- Swedish broadcast: https://www.svtplay.se/video/KVk3NNg/eurovision-song-contest/eurovision-samegillii-esc-2024-med-samisk-kommentator
- Finnish broadcast: https://areena.yle.fi/1-70127659
Perhaps one of these might not be geoblocked, but not guaranteed)
And some background information:
- Final running order: https://eurovision.tv/story/eurovision-2024-final-running-order
- Backstage at the turqoise carpet: https://youtube.com/watch?v=J9O_Ba8PfqU
My tier list:
I’m slightly offended (and very amused) that your bottom tier is called Germany.
I mean it’s true, but don’t kick us when we’re down
Edit: Please change it back! It was the perfect Freudian typo
Oops formatting error. (I can’t change it back, bc I’m part German descent, and those ancestors are already very disappointed in me, I’m sure.)
I think the barrel on fire is a homage on the Frankfurther Hauptbahnhof
I’ll just use your comment to post my favourites as well:
Lets see if any of them has a chance to win. (And luckily I’m German, so I don’t need a rank for Isaak, but hostely it’s not a bad song.)
Can’t fault that top tier list. Lots of bangers.
I hope Armenia do well, feel like Croatia has it sewn up though.
Thought the Irish one was incredible but conscious of bias.
We seem to have quite the same taste, how do you feel about Estonia, Switzerland, or Slovenia?
Estonia and Switzerland are great!