An attorney for Donald Trump says that his supporters should not be made to believe that he has legal problems, following a decision to have the former president’s name taken off the Republican ballot in Maine.

Christina Bobb accused opponents of the former president of putting out “propaganda” to harm his 2024 presidential run.

It comes after Mr Trump was removed from the ballot in Colorado last month, under the 14th Amendment’s ban on insurrectionists holding public office. The decision to also block him from the ballot in Maine was handed down on Thursday by state secretary Shenna Bellows.

Speaking to Newsmax on Sunday, Ms Bobb suggested that Ms Bellows be impeached for her decision, and accused her of election interference.

    • @Bonesince1997
      6 months ago

      You and I do. It’s his retarded supporters they’re trying to keep in the dark.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Oh, even they know, as evidenced by all the death threats against Engoron, Willis, CO Supreme Court, ME sec of state, etc. Only one who seems to not be getting threats is Jack Smith, though I could have just missed those.

        edit: pfffffft of course Jack Smith got death threats, why did I consider otherwise?

        • @Bonesince1997
          136 months ago

          That was a good point. I so rarely hear about the threats against him. Or they don’t stand out among the others.

          • @[email protected]
            146 months ago

            I had to actually go search to confirm it. He probably doesn’t make such a great sustainable target for them since after the Hague all their nonsense is a bit muted for him.

        • @morphballganon
          66 months ago

          Threats against Jack Smith get less publicity because he’s a well-off white man who isn’t a democratic politician.

          • @[email protected]
            106 months ago

            Possibly also because one case he’s working on has to do with Trump provoking violence on Jan 6, so all the death threats aren’t doing Trump any favors there.

            • @morphballganon
              146 months ago

              Your point hinges on seditionists understanding nuance or having restraint.

              • @[email protected]
                66 months ago

                They seem to understand nuance well enough when willfully ignoring it to make bad faith comparisons.

                Otherwise, true.

                • @morphballganon
                  106 months ago

                  I don’t believe a person needs to understand nuance to be a hypocrite… they just need to value themselves at the expense of others.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        166 months ago

        English has so many other words instead of using slurs.

        Be better.

  • @Dkarma
    946 months ago

    Running for president is NOT A RIGHT. You must qualify. Trump does not qualify.

    Nothing about this is election interference.

    Trump does not have the right to run. Period.

  • @eran_morad
    476 months ago

    And I say that presidents must not COMMIT TREASON.

  • @Bonesince1997
    386 months ago

    Ms Bobb thinks Ms Bellows should be impeached for “election interference”. What about pressuring election officials to find 11,000 some votes to make up the difference Trump lost to Biden in Georgia?! I say we know who the interferer is, it’s the ex-president, twice impeached himself! Losers

    • @snekerpimp
      266 months ago

      “We only cheated because we knew you guys cheated because you won when we cheated last time.”

  • OhStopYellingAtMe
    6 months ago

    trump voters go out of their way to avoid the truth. They need no help from us.

    • @[email protected]
      116 months ago

      The problem is, they won’t accept it, even if we offer it directly. It’s about as effective as trying to convince a religious person to leave their religion by presenting good reasons to leave.

      They’ll just end up spouting some thought-terminating-clichés and doubling down on their “unshakable faith.” So his attorney is wrong, because they would vote for him even if he was found to be worse than John Wayne Gacy.

  • @Fridgeratr
    326 months ago

    Maybe the ex president shouldn’t have done illegal shit 🤷

  • @paddirn
    296 months ago

    … but he does.

  • Chainweasel
    226 months ago

    How exactly do they plan to pull that off with him begging his supporters for money for his legal problems?

    • TechyDad
      276 months ago

      His supporters are very good at holding two contradictory positions at the same time. Like how they think Joe Biden is “Sleepy Joe” - a dementia riddled old man unable to string two sentences together - yet also a criminal mastermind who hides all the evidence proving his guilt. Or how illegal immigrants are both extremely lazy, but also taking everyone’s jobs.

      So they’ll just say that Trump isn’t really in any legal jeopardy but they still need to donate their life savings to his legal defense fund to stop those “evil liberals who are just jealous of how wonderful Trump smells.”

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        These people don’t really believe what they’re saying. They desire to believe. Trump makes them feel better about themselves because he is an avatar for selfishness, pride, and success (in their minds).

        They say they believe these things because it makes them feel good about themselves. They don’t actually believe it. So facts and reasoning won’t sway them. Calling Trump fat or smelly is better, because they know it’s true and it hurts their image of him.

  • @RainfallSonata
    226 months ago

    Christina Bobb accused opponents of the former president of putting out “propaganda” to harm his 2024 presidential run.

    ALL campaign messaging is propaganda. Every last fucking word of it. Who the fuck doesn’t know this already?

    • @Riccosuave
      76 months ago

      Who the fuck doesn’t know this already?

      Trump Cultists

  • @SkybreakerEngineer
    216 months ago

    Christina Bobb, previously known for being on Trump’s treason legal team while at the same time an anchor on OAN, and who is herself in legal trouble for lying to the FBI about the stolen documents thing.

  • @Sanctus
    216 months ago

    This extreme denial is very dangerous. I worry these people will attack regardless of what happens. If he keeps getting removed they will react before the elections take place. I’ve heard many of my traitorous co-workers constantly mentioning civil war and I hope its anecdotal.

    • @DevCatOP
      96 months ago

      I’m sure the MAGA civil war will go much better than the last one. /s

      • @Sanctus
        76 months ago

        We joke, but what happens when Trump loses and just calls for general destruction. They’ve proven they’ll do what he says. I’m weary of anybody with Trump faction banners. I just don’t think our government is taking this serious enough.

        • @DevCatOP
          106 months ago

          You can bet the FBI is making lists of people who are going to lose the right to bear arms. They are probably taking this very seriously, just not being public about to not scare them into being quiet about their intentions.

          Let them make themselves known, especially the organizers, as opposed to mouthpieces.

        • @grue
          56 months ago

          what happens when Trump loses and just calls for general destruction.

          Then we fight them and we beat them. It’s as simple as that. There’s no point in being worried about it; only prepared.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          I don’t think so. Only the absolutely unhinged would take up arms. Not that many people want to throw their lives away for something they won’t see achieved. Even most republicans live privileged enough lives that they aren’t willing to sacrifice their freedom, comfort, black rifle coffee, etc.

      • @Dkarma
        46 months ago

        Based on the quality of people who showed up to see JFK come back from the dead in Dallas a while back, I’m not too worried.

        These aren’t gravy seals they’re lard walruses.

  • BoofStroke
    6 months ago

    Fuck that noise. We know it isn’t true, but a president should be able to obtain a security clearance. Guess what becomes a big problem in attaining said clearance.

  • @DeepThought42
    76 months ago

    Legal difficulties then? Legal entanglements? How about legal challenges? Ah, I know - legal kerfuffles! Surely one of those better describes his situation! :P

  • @Dragomus
    76 months ago

    Ah but he has no legal problems, once his voters did their part and got him “in” again, Trump will wave his dinosaur arms and magically make these legal …annoyances… go away.

    That’s what they hope his voters will eventually believe.