It’s mutual benefit. The optimal social situation is a win-win scenario in all interactions. In this interaction, both organisms benefit from each other’s presence, and do better than they would do alone.
Which was the point of the theory in “A Beautiful Mind.”
somethig with sweaters as I recall
I know this is supposed to be a shitpost anyway but they’re absolutely not “sharing” resources. Plants can (and do) out-compete and kill each other constantly
Fungi aren’t plants, but also, according to a quick search, apparently they compete more fiercely than plants. So overall: I agree.
Although, in this picture, the fungi would be mycorrhizae, which do form symbiotic relationships with plants. In fact, fungi enabled plant terrestrialization, i. e. we probably wouldn’t have trees in their current form without fungi.
I heavily recommend Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, amazing and entertaining book.
Not affiliated in any way, but love mushrooms.
but the meme is about plants and fungi sharing resources not plants/fungi helping other plants/fungi
Ahh, I was looking at the other stalks as tall mushrooms, but they could definitely be plants.
It is called symbiosis. Both sides benefit. So, there is profit for both.
Formally in economy most transactions are of the same property - benefit for both sides. You buy a car, both car seller and you benefit: it is obvious for the car seller, but for you it is much cheaper to buy a car than make it yourself.
Rule of acquisition #18
A fungi without profit is no fungi at all.
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Damn you totally owned OP hell yeah dude
B/c the Prisoner’s Dilemma is a vast over-simplification that ignores that we tend to see the same people every day, and if you go even one step further there is basically mathematical proof that cooperation tends to work better.
I also enjoy this interactive explanation
Thanks for sharing this. I’d heard of tit-for-tat and the selfish gene before, but this exercise really helped me grok the concept
The profit motive is mutual survival.