• originalucifer
    935 months ago

    it will accomplish nothing.

    conservatives dont care about facts, or policy or governing. its me me me me and nothing else.

    a debate will be ignored by both sides as superfluous.

    • @runswithjedi
      425 months ago

      It’s not like any context will matter too. The footage is going to be chopped up and edited to support whatever views someone holds.

      • originalucifer
        195 months ago


        “debates” today are just, ‘lets stand up and state predefined talking points’. and purposefully so, both parties chose this path when they let the league of women voters walk out the door. This left a void of responsibility no group has claimed.

    • @[email protected]
      175 months ago

      Policy and governance largely don’t matter since it is “I dunno, I’ll try to avoid overly fucking over The American People while getting some stuff better?” versus “I am going to turn this into gilead (just much stupider since a literary, or even tv, reference is too much for that moron”

      But I do think it would “help” to have at least one “debate”. I know a couple people who were really worried about Biden and were buying into the “he has dementia and is weak” propaganda. When he thought trump was attacking Beau and went off on him… that convinced them.

    • @danciestlobster
      25 months ago

      While I basically agree on the outcome, I worry that it will lead to more absence of presidential debates which feels problematic in terms of keeping people in echo chambers . I mean I don’t seriously think anyones mind will change but generally hearing it out anyway is…maybe productive? Idk

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Trump will just talk over Biden and scream about shit that doesnt make sense or some hate speech.

  • @jordanlundM
    565 months ago

    I don’t see the point, they are running for two different offices.

    Biden wants to be President
    Trump wants to be a ChristoFascist Dictator




    There really isn’t anything to “debate”. His fan base can’t be reasoned out of a position they never reasoned themselves into in the first place.

    So what’s the point?

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      125 months ago

      The point as i see it would be to maintain decorum and keep the structure and tradition of our election process rather than letting it continue to degrade.

      • @jordanlundM
        225 months ago

        Problem is Trump shows no interest in decorum, structure or tradition. Neither do his followers.

        Treating them as though they do elevates them.

  • @PrinceWith999Enemies
    535 months ago

    I think the time of American political debates, and to an extent American democracy, is over.

    Arguably, political debates are meaningless today. When they were hosted by the League of Women Voters and the candidates had to actually answer questions, it was interesting and potentially informative. Now, it’s scripted to the point of being useless. Candidates will refuse to answer questions and simply repeat talking points prepared ahead of time and which have already been aired in countless political ads. Candidates like Trump won’t even go that far, but treat it like a campaign rally where they’re playing a professional wrestling character.

    Trump decided there was no need to debate in the primaries. He’s the chosen one. I don’t see why the democrats should bother to debate either. Biden’s not going to win or lose based on the debate. It’s going to come down to turnout. I can’t imagine that there’s anyone on the fence other than whether they’re going to bother to vote or not.

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      Biden would be better served actually making impactful public statements that invigorate people to turn out. Trump is constantly trying to win in the court of public opinion, and if Biden doesn’t meet him on that field, Trump wins by default.

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      The only way this works is if each candidate has 1 minute to answer and is then MUTED at the 1 minute cut off, AND for the duration of the next person’s turn. Further, each should be seated in a sound-proof box, with a light that is turned off so that no-one can hear them or read their lips unless the microphone and light are on

      • @PrinceWith999Enemies
        55 months ago

        I like this kind of idea, but to be honest, I’m still uncertain of the value added by the debate format.

        A president doesn’t pass policies by debate. They formulate an agenda and work with policy experts to construct a means to achieving those items. They form a cabinet, which ideally consist of people skilled in management and with enough subject matter expertise that they can provide a similar approach to the management of their various departments, and so on.

        Debates are simply theatrical performances that are not replicated nor relevant to the job of the executive. They have scripted lines that they try to fit in, they’re coached on talking points and how to deflect on subjects their handlers don’t want them to talk about.

        I vastly prefer policy positions published in detail and unscripted interviews with professional journalists who are not looking to protect their access but rather to both clarify points the candidates have made and more importantly to bring up issues that are relevant but which the candidates have avoided.

        To be crude, I literally don’t give a fuck that the line “I knew John F Kennedy, and you’re no John F Kennedy” was one of the best retorts in (vice) presidential debate history, and anyone who would vote on that kind of thing - in my opinion - is not properly exercising their choice.

        I’m okay with stump speeches - I think they’re still pretty useless for many of the same reasons - but they do give a sense of the personality of the candidate and their approach to addressing the public. That is an important factor - the charisma effect - and I think we should keep them around.

  • @Sanctus
    455 months ago

    Something tells me we should not be giving the guy who said he’d be a dictator “for a day” time on the air.

  • Jessica
    385 months ago

    Giving him a microphone on national television is a terrible idea. He will absolutely use that time to spew hatred, lies and the most absurd conspiracy theories.

    His moron supporters will eat it all up, not unlike how puppies eat their own shit.

    Every major news network wants this debate to happen. Think about the outrage money, it angrily prints itself!

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    I’m not even from the US and I know Trump is incapable to stay remotely on topic. By the fourth sentence he will be trailing off about Tim Apple or that space wall he will build against aliens and Hunters laptop and Hillaries emails and how everyone is witchhunting him. There simply won’t be an actual debate either way.

    • @cosmicrookie
      05 months ago

      I don’t even think he uses sentences. It’s just words

  • @paddirn
    175 months ago

    He should refuse on the grounds that Trump is an illegitimate candidate who attempted an insurrection on Jan. 6th. He should say that he is willing to debate serious candidates, but that Trump should be disqualified from running per the 14th Amendment.

  • @dhork
    165 months ago

    Why does everyone assume Biden would lose in a debate with Trump? He already beat him at the polls once. Yea, Biden is four years older than last time but so is Trump.

    If anything, if Trump is declared ineligible to run, that’s when Biden needs to worry. Because it’s one thing to be debating someone your own age, and another thing entirely to be debating someone 30 years younger.

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      285 months ago

      It’s not about whether Biden would win or lose a debate. It’s the fact that winning or losing won’t make any difference, because the MAGA crowd will only see the heavily edited and clipped version that is shown on Fox.

      There’s also the worry that agreeing to a debate could be considered a tacit acceptance of Trump’s elligibility. If Biden agrees to debate with Trump, he’s also agreeing that Trump can run for president and deserves to be on the debate floor.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        This is a good point… By Biden declining the debate after accepting it for years ago he’s sending a message. That message is that Trump is absolutely not qualified to run for this office.

    • @[email protected]
      115 months ago

      I just don’t think it would help. The less people see of Trump, the better. Let his madness and instability define him without any opportunity to spread misinformation and lies on a national scale.

    • Silverseren
      105 months ago

      Biden pretty handily beat Trump in the 2020 debates. Though conservatives just ran around with clips of Trump running his mouth during the debate and claiming that meant he won.

    • @Taco2112
      75 months ago

      I think that it’s not people thinking Biden would lose. I don’t see any point in it because the MAGA crowd don’t want to listen to anything Biden says so why even give them any potential ammo?

      It’s basically what Trump is doing now with the Republican primary debates. No one says anything bad about Trump and they just keep attacking each other. Of course if Biden doesn’t debate, some will say Biden is too afraid but just turn it around on them and ask why isn’t Trump at any of the primary debates?

    • Dukeofdummies
      55 months ago

      It’s not just whether or not Biden would win.

      It’s “Can Biden and Trump stay coherent standing for 3 hours in an unscripted environment”? Does it matter if Biden wins if the match was predominantly two elders bickering over whether or not we should pull out of Iraq? Both of their ages are a point of concern and the complete lack of live, unscripted, hardball interviews does little to quell that fear.

      Polls have never been this bad for a returning president in decades. Historically support for third party candidates have decreased as election cycles get closer but at the same time, you’ve never had candidates this hated. Third parties are absolutely going to eat up votes from both parties this election year, and a horrid debate performance, even if a win, will make the issue worse.

    • @banneryear1868
      45 months ago

      Win/lose isn’t even a thing in these debates, it’s a meaningless political spectacle which by it’s nature benefits Trump because he is the political embodiment of this.

  • anon6789
    135 months ago

    “If he gets the nomination, Republican primary voters will have given him legitimacy. I mean, we don’t hand it out like gummy bears or something,” he said.

  • @[email protected]
    125 months ago

    What kind of debate? Trump shouldn’t even be allowed on the ballots, much less to breathe air outside of prison walls.

  • @Arthur_Leywin
    125 months ago

    “Debate”. If it happens I’ll only be watching it for memes lmao

    • @Daveyborn
      15 months ago

      “Will you shut up man?” Should be great

  • @rustyfish
    125 months ago

    And since when exactly do conservatives care about reality? It’s a waste of time. Those who voted for Trump in 2020 will vote for him in 2024 (except the few geniuses who needed a fucking insurrection to stop worshipping him).

    • @jordanlundM
      75 months ago

      Or the ones who need a ressurection thanks to Covid denial.

      • @rustyfish
        55 months ago

        Imagine bringing one of them back to life and when asked about the afterlife he just abuses the spotlight to ramble about Hunter Bidens Laptop.

  • Optional
    85 months ago