“AI made us do it” is Big Tech’s new layoff rationale::undefined

    • @SlopppyEngineer
      68 months ago

      It’ll take a court case when things inevitably go wrong to find out that the owner of the hallucinating AI is still responsible for paying damages to kick things off the AI hype peak.

  • @aesthelete
    108 months ago

    These companies produce basically nothing of value anymore and continue to hem down on the people who produce anything of value.

    QA goes first because who gives a shit if it works?

    IT goes second because who gives a shit if it is maintained?

    Dev goes third because who gives a shit if it is made?

    Management goes last because who knew we couldn’t make money with no products, service, or quality control?

  • @fidodo
    68 months ago

    “We demand your loyalty but will throw you away like trash the second we can”

  • danielfgom
    38 months ago

    Blame everyone but themselves and their greed… Interesting how Ai never replaces the CEO or The Board…🤔