• Dem Bosain
    88 months ago

    The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution.


    Seems pretty clear, I don’t know why there’s an argument.

  • joobeejoo47
    68 months ago

    I was taught this growing up. It took me a long time to get out of that “states rights” mindset and accept the fact that a bunch of rebels could be bad people. The Ordinances of Secession really helped with that.

    • @yesman
      68 months ago

      South Carolina’s Deceleration of Secession really spells it out. Check it out it’s not long.


      Ever since I read this, I don’t say “Confederate”, I say slave-holding. That’s how they self-identified and I’ll never let them forget.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        28 months ago

        Why did they spend so much time on the history lessons? Over half the document is just rehashing history. I guess to establish precedent?

    • @Custoslibera
      18 months ago

      How did the Ordinance of Secession help you with that?

      • PugJesusOP
        28 months ago

        Most of them reference slavery as the cause, I believe.

        • @Custoslibera
          18 months ago

          I was just flicking through it I couldn’t find states that specifically mentioned it.

          I’ll have another read.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            8 months ago

            fully justified this State in then withdrawing from the Federal Union; but in deference to the opinions and wishes of the other slaveholding States, she forbore at that time to exercise this right. Since that time, these encroachments have continued to increase, and further forbearance ceases to be a virtue.


            The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution.

            There are 18 references to slavery in that document.

          • PugJesusOP
            18 months ago

            Looks like only three Ordinances reference slavery, must be the declarations I’m thinking of.

    • The Snark Urge
      58 months ago

      “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”

      Upton Sinclair

    • @Custoslibera
      38 months ago

      ‘One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were. They assume that the negro is equal, and hence conclude that he is entitled to equal privileges and rights with the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be logical and just but their premise being wrong, their whole argument fails.’

      No see he thinks we are the delusional ones…

      • @Seleni
        28 months ago

        Wow, that’s some real Selfawarewolves material right there.