Russian soldiers beg Shoigu for vacation, complaining about lack of winter uniforms and heaters.

They say gasoline and food are in short supply.

The occupiers from the 2nd Battalion, 6th Company, 26th Motorized Rifle Regiment, Military Unit 12267, recorded an appeal to the minister of defense, specifying that “in seven months, the soldiers have not had a single vacation, while the number of dead and wounded is growing.”

  • @[email protected]
    366 months ago

    Man, these guys seem really stupid. If i was on the wrong side of a war and was left out to dry without even getting paid i think I’d just defect.

      • @[email protected]
        226 months ago

        A good percentage of them probably thinks that the Ukrainians would torture them (because that’s what they’d do to Ukrainians), not to mention how many Russians think Ukrainians are somehow subhuman.

    • @[email protected]
      106 months ago

      That’s easier said than done. Also, most of them agree on principle that Russia is justified to invade Ukraine. They just think that it’s others that should do the dying.

    • @bouh
      86 months ago

      Yes, and face death penalty. And surrendering to Ukrainians is a tough deal, because propaganda tells them that Ukrainians will give them much worse than death if they surrender.

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      If my job stopped paying me, I’d switch and they don’t even expect me to risk my life!

  • @SupraMario
    346 months ago

    How to solve all your problems in one simple step…

    Leave Ukraine you orkish fucks.

  • MedicsOfAnarchy
    46 months ago

    If the Russians are afraid to surrender to Ukranian forces, perhaps some other country could step up and offer to take ANY surrendering Russian troops. France or Germany or somebody. Might make them more comfortable with surrender.

    • @bouh
      16 months ago

      But nato countries can’t send troups there, that would be a declaration of war, and in order to become prisoners, they will first need to surrender to Ukrainian soldiers, which they believe will torture and kill them much more painfully than their own sergent.

      • MedicsOfAnarchy
        26 months ago

        That was the point. Foreign countries would notify Russian soldiers (leaflets? texting? bullhorn?) that if they surrender to Ukranians, they will be immediately be transported to the back lines and handed over to NATO or somebody. Russians stay safe, Ukraine can still question them, win-win - oh, and they start surrendering faster - win.